I have been homeschooling both girls (mainly Abby Grace) since 12 August 08. Shane and I prayed really hard about whether or not to send Abby Grace to Preschool, or to home school her. Shane decided that I needed to home school the girls so they would receive the one-on-one instruction, as well as, Bible instruction. We also felt that Abby Grace was not ready for Preschool. So, Shane works on Mondays with both girls on Bible stories and with Abby Grace on astronomy. Abby is really loving the astronomy/Creation instruction. She has become very proficient in this area in only two weeks.
Last week, Abby learned the letter A, and did very well. We made craft aprons and learned several words (including “Abby”) that begin with the letter A. She also worked on matching patterns, the Creation story, and did very well writing the letter A. She is also learning the proper way to hold a pencil (taught by a person… me!… who does NOT hold her pencil properly); this has been a real challenge! We will see how this homeschooling thing goes; we are certainly stuck or blessed (depending on the day!) with it for the next year!
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