I am a fierce bargain hunter (and, oh, I cannot WAIT to share my Tom Thumb report with ya’ll!), so it makes sense that I LOVE CONSIGNMENT SALES. Oh, yeah! In fact, I should be getting my clothes ready for the sale this weekend… ya know, since I haven’t started on them yet {blush}.
Never fear, my bloggy buds (I know you were all worried). I will have them washed, pressed, hung-up, and tagged before you can say… we’releavingat6amonSaturdayandtheyhavetobefinishedbythen. 🙂
Until that time, please enjoy my latest post on the hawt Blissfully Domestic site, aptly titled, “Finding bargains on children’s clothing at consignment sales.”
Great article!! I’ve never been to a consignment shop…perhaps I’ll have more time in the future 🙂