In honor of our anniversary yesterday, I wanted to participate in the Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda. So, here are the top ten things I love about my life just the way it is right now. Yes, I know that is one heckuva title!
#10. We are still as silly and goofy with each other as we were 7 years ago on our honeymoon.
Just so you all know, this goofy pose was Shane’s idea 🙂
#9. God has provided a way each and every time… He has been so good to us.
#8. Shane no longer wears shirts that are two-sizes too big. That makes me happy 🙂
#7. We have finally learned to appreciate each other’s strengths and help each other with our weaknesses. Most of the time. And, yes, it took us seven years to figure that out.
#6. Not only are we in a place that God specifically designed for us, but we are happy. We are truly happy.
#5. Our plans are not the same as they were 7 years ago. And, I am very glad for that.
#4. Our four beautiful daughters. Ada Marie, 19 (adopted in Sept. ’06); Abby Grace, 5 (born May ’04); Reese, 3 (born March ’06); and Meleah, 10 months (born Sept. ’08).
#3. We have learned to work as a team, rather than two separate individuals.
#2. We still have fun together. We still enjoy spending time with each other.
#1. We still look as fabulous now as we did 7 years ago. See what I mean? Total HAWTNESS!
Happy anniversary. I think the goofy pose is darling, your family is beautiful and I won’t comment on your #1…just teasing! lol