Well, this was a quick one, but tonight, my friend Rachel asked if she could use my post on Cheap Bee Sting Relief for her Survival Tip Tuesday. I was all over it, of course!
You all know how much I love Rachel. She is such a sweetie! I was on Twitter one day, talking about homeschooling, and after a few minutes, she invited me to Skype. I had NO idea what Skype even was (and now, it is as addictive as breathing)! Rachel helped me set it up, and then spent almost an hour talking to me about homeschooling and how she does it and the products to purchase. She is fabulous!
I adore her site… she is one of my first go-to girls for good deals, store/coupon match-ups, and frugal tips. And the best part? She lives less than 2 hours away… so we are still close enough for a few get-togethers (like the BN trip, for which she and Steph picked me up, and the yummy Melting Pot trip).
Even if you have already read my post on the baking soda paste “miracle cure,” I did tweak it some for Rachel’s Survival Tip Tuesday. And, please make sure you visit Rachel’s site – Surviving the Stores – and take a look around. Also, if she isn’t in your Reader, subscribe to her feed.
Rach, thanks for asking me to guest post on your site. You are a great friend, and I appreciate all you have done for me! I am truly blessed to have such a kind and generous friend.
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