Does life ever get in the way of your plans? Do things pop up at the most inconvenient times?
How do you handle it? Scream? Pull out your hair? Wonder, “Why me, and why now?“?
I have been guilty of all of those, and more. My favorite most-used phrase goes something like this: “Ugh. God, don’t you know I have better things to do? Can you not SEE my schedule?!”
When the kiddos do something I’m not fond of, I prefer this statement, “I can NEVER get ANYTHING done! A little help would be nice.”
I’m sure you realize that my use of the words “favorite phrase” and “preferred statement” are simply sarcasm, but I truly have said this – many, many times. Unfortunately, it was directed at God.
God fixes things right? So, why do I even have to go through these trials? Why can’t we just “skip over them”? It would be so much easier…
God does not promise an easy life. Ever. He also does not promise to “fix” everything, or heal everyone. That just isn’t how it works. He also does not spare us from trials, big or small.
Trials can bring us closer to God, if we let them. If we let Him draw us near, during our trials, we can know we are not alone.
So, when life gets in the way, we need to let God hold us. The trial, whether big or small, can be a major growing period in our lives.
Romans 5:3-4 (ESV) More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.
Design by: Amy Loves It! *Photo by: Markus Merz*
Great post, Amy. I have a few of my own “favorite phrases” that make me cringe as they come flying out of my mouth in frustration!
And I completely agree with you about trials. It drives me nuts when people approach life as if it was supposed to be pain and trouble-free, popping pills at the slightest ache or pain, being sure that nothing bad will ever happen to them, etc. I’ve been through enough to know that my God promises that He’ll be there through it all, not that He’ll make it go away!
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