I am honored to be part of the 30-day Giving Challenge with my dear friend Alyssa. November is going to be a fantastic month!
A few ways I plan to give back:
:: Snagging extra coupon inserts for some of the Senior Adults in my church
:: Baking for a family with very little, who are also expecting their second child any day now
:: Working with my church on our Dorcas Project (more on that later)
My prayer is that others will be touched by all of the giving that is going on all over this country because of this challenge.
I always go into these kinds of things thinking of all the people I will be blessing with my service and my time… I always end up leaving feeling 100 times more blessed than the people I helped. That is what serving others does… it brings blessings to those serving and being served.
What can you do every day this month to help someone else? And, if you have a blog, it is not too late to link up! Just head on over to Kingdom First Mom and put your link in. You can also RSVP on her Facebook site.
Let the giving begin!
Amy – I’m looking forward to hearing more about the Dorcus Project that you’re doing with your church!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..CVS Deals – Week of 11/1 =-.