One of my Walmart purchases from my trip on Monday was the Playskool Sit-n-Spin. That will be one of Meleah’s Christmas presents. I purchased it because 1) I had a $10 off coupon, and 2) it was on roll-back for $17. I thought this would make a fabulous gift for only $7!
After checking out, I looked over my receipt; it is just something I do. I noticed right off the bat that the Sit-n-Spin rang up at $19.96.
At this point, I knew I had a decision to make: I could either walk out of the store and get home because I was soooo tired (after all, $9.96 for that toy is a really good price), OR I could go to customer service and explain the issue. I knew that item was on rollback, because I checked and rechecked the price before I decided to get it.
Guess what I did? Yep, I stood in the customer service line for 10 minutes. When it was my turn, I explained the problem, and the nice lady behind the counter gladly gave me the $3.20 I was over-charged, no problem.
The moral? Check your receipt! If you are going to go to all of the trouble of sale-shopping and coupon-clipping, the least you can do is make sure you were charged correctly! Computers aren’t perfect, and neither are people… we make mistakes. But, there is no need to pay for them!
This post is linked to Frugal Fridays at Life As Mom.
I do the same thing actually, my husband gets a little irritated with me. Then I remind him that I am “spending our money wisely!”
I checked my receipt last week, and I found out I had been charged $8.99 for 4 lbs of apples that were supposed to have been $5.89. When I went to customer service, the guy gave me back $5.00. Even after I asked him about it, he said something like, “Just don’t worry about it. Sorry.”
I work WalMart Customer Service and this stuff happens EVERY day. Lots of people pricing items…..lots of prices changing every day; things can get mixed up, and it certainly is not intentional. The company is more than happy to straighten it out if you let us know. Thanks! 🙂
Great tip! Here in Michigan, if a product rings up for more than the marked price (very important- it has to be marked a lower price!), then you get the difference back, plus 10x the amount up to $5. I have left Walmart and other stores with free stuff before because of that! I look very carefully at the price on the shelf, vs the price it’s marked, and if there is a difference, we scan it.
I do this all the time! I usually try to check it all out as they are scanning it in, but sometimes a clerk goes too fast, the store does not have screens that show, or my kids make me miss some purchases. Unfortunately, I have noticed mistakes *after* I got home, which is super frustrating. Fortunately, the stores still correct their mistakes, even if I go back at a later time.
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