Well, the title says it all… I know I have MANY more things to be thankful for, but here are my top ten:
10) Having a Sonic 3 minutes away. {Hey y’all… I need a Coke fix now and then!}
9) Baking days. My pie crusts are ready and rolled out for all the pies I have to make for Thanksgiving.
8) My iPhone. If you have one, you completely understand 😀
7) Coffee.
6) My extremely supportive husband. He doesn’t complain when I’m obsessing working on my computer at all hours.
5) I have a roof over my head, and enough to eat. So many do not have this luxury.
4) The amazing friends I have made in the last year simply through my blog and Twitter (now we all Skype!). I am so blessed by each one of them!
3) My beautiful girls. I LOVE being a mom, and it is a privilege and an honor to be the mom to my 3 precious girls.
2) Did I mention my husband? To whom I have been married over 7 years, and have been together for over 10? I pretty much love him.
1) I make mistakes, and yet my Jesus still loves me. I am forgiven. That is definitely something to be thankful for!
For more fabulous Top Ten Tuesday posts, head on over to Oh Amanda.
Psssttt… My giveaway ends tonight, so make sure you enter!
Thankful posts make me happy! And the Sonic? I can see why you’re thankful for THAT! 🙂
.-= oh amanda´s last blog ..Top Ten {Tuesday}: Christmas Albums You Probably Don’t Own (But Should) =-.
I’m just happy to have a Sonic in the same city…I would be over the moon with one only three minutes away!
I am still on the iPhone fence. Even if we don’t get iPhones, I will be getting a new iPod Touch as the home button on mine has died. 🙁
.-= Janna´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday =-.
Great list! I don’t have an iphone but DH has one for work that I benefit from using a lot. Completely see why you’d be thankful for yours 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving
.-= Jenn @ Beautiful Calling´s last blog ..The Chicken Journey: How to Break Down a Chicken =-.
Great list! And thrilled you love your husband so much! Great example to us all!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday – Thanksgiving Edition =-.
So true!! Wonderful list!
.-= mandi @ it’s come to this´s last blog ..Top ten tuesday – more randomness =-.
Ah, Amy! That is a great list! I love you too & am just as thankful to have become friends with you. Oh and I HEART my Sonic’s too. Happy Hour RAWKS!