This deal is no longer valid. You will want to jump on this deal fast! Straight from the Staples website, you can get $25 in Sharpie products for FREE! Here’s how you do it: Go here and add $25 worth of Sharpie merchandise to your cart. Enter coupon code 96140 at checkout.
Apparently the code is not working, but according to Kelly at Faithful Provisions, you can place your order, call back later, and they will reimburse you $25. (She placed her order last night, and there was an automated message about the deal, and a 2 hour wait). Crystal at the Thrifty Mama said she just placed her order and got right through to customer service… so either way, Staples is reimbursing you for this deal.
After placing your order, call Staples at 1-800-891-0195, and tell them that the code did not work. They will take the $25 off for you. If you select site-to-store shipping, your shipping costs will be free!
You can also shop through Ebates to get 2% back or through Shop at Home to get 3% back.
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