As I type this, the floor of my bedroom is piled high with boxes and bags of unwrapped Christmas gifts. My dining room table is littered with envelopes, Christmas cards (that need to be displayed), more Christmas gifts, and empty coffee cups. My children are still in their pajamas (as am I)… and it is almost noon.
No, I am not normally such a cluttered person, but the busyness of the holiday always gets me behind in the normal day-to-day stuff.
As I look around at all of the “stuff,” I am struck with what the Christmas season has become for myself, and so many others:
Stuff. Clutter. Things to do. Obligations to fill.
Things will be a bit different this year, as our pastor is out of town, and my husband will be leading the Christmas Eve service in his place. Normally, we head over to my husband’s grandmother’s home as soon as I get off of work, but this year we will head to the church first for the candlelight service.
Now, I love our families and traditions dearly, but I am so excited about this Christmas Eve service! I have always wanted to attend, and now we have an “excuse.”
I am also thrilled to take a moment from the busyness of Christmastime and enjoy the Reason we celebrate. I do hope this becomes a tradition from now on.
Take a look at your Christmas schedule and time-table. Are you too busy? Are things too hectic? Take this time to reevaluate and implement a new Christmas tradition. It does not have to be major; sometimes, the small ones can make a bigger impact.
The time to make Christmas memories is now.
What can you do to make a new memory this Christmas? Are you implementing a new Christmas tradition?
This post is linked to Finer Things Friday
Photo credit: Mr. Tea
This is so important. To make Christmas memories that are meaningful. It’s so easy to get caught up in the commercialization and busy-ness of this time of year, but we have to remember that not only was Christ born, but we need to remember the reason he was born.
(There’s a post brewing my brain about this!) 🙂
.-= Myra´s last blog ..Cute NOEL =-.