I LOVE the early-morning time: the cool air, the calm before the chaos, the quiet reflection…
My coffee is strong and black {let’s just say, I’m not feeling too sweet this morning}.
My Bible is open to Acts chapter 2, reading verses 22-42.
My husband preached this selection of Scripture for last week’s Easter services.
He showed us how this passage is proof that Jesus is alive today. The passage tells of many witnesses to the His miraculous resurrection.
It reminds us that the apostles died not for a lie, but for the truth.
One verse that really stuck out to me was verse 42:
And they {the believers} devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Are you devoted to the teaching? To the fellowship?
Most days, I am not.
How many times do I forget?
How many times do I put other things first… before devoting myself to the Word?
I should be cut to the heart by what He has done for me.
God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE for him to be held by it. Acts 2:24
Thanks for the post, Amy…and for the Scripture link. I don’t have a ton of time this morning and didn’t want to delve into my Beth Moore homework 🙂 so this gave me something quick and good to read!
It’s so hard to keep priorities straight! That’s something I am praying about, how to keep it all straight. I like to run a few mornings a week, and on those mornings it’s harder to have a “quiet time.” I think I need to make sure I prioritize during naptime when I haven’t had that time in the morning; I just need to make it more important than Twitter & blogs!
.-= C. Beth´s last blog ..Destination party =-.
Beautiful post! Our pastor spoke on this same passage today and reminded us that disciple in the greek translates to student. God wants us to be diligently seeking Him through His word…have a happy Sunday!
.-= Melissa Multitasking Mama´s last blog ..Introducing: Me =-.
Convicting and rebuking. Thanks for your transparency, my friend. 🙂