Our Family is part of the 30-Day #sonicarechallenge

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I am beyond excited to have been chosen as one of eight familes to be part of the Sonicare 30 Days to Better Teeth Challenge!

Shane, Abby Grace, Reese, and I will be using the Sonicare 2 Handle 5350 Sonic Power Toothbrush and the Sonicare for Kids HX6311/02 Rechargeable Toothbrush.

It is a good thing my girls love brushing their teeth! Ha! {Poor Meleah… I’m going to have to get a special toothbrush for her, because even at 22 months, she loves brushing her teeth!}

To begin our Challenge, Shane and I headed to Walmart to snag the toothbrushes. I’ve included a few pics from our trip here, but you can check out the entire story on Whrrl.

{One thing I noticed in these pics is that I didn’t look very happy while I was checking out. I’m going to have to remember to leave the serious face at home, lol! I look downright mad in some pics… not shown, of course!}

Searching for coupons before shopping!

This is one of the girls' toothbrushes

Shane and his new toothbrush!

The other moms involved are:

You can follow all of the Sonicare action on Twitter, Whrrl, and SonicareChallenge.com.

And, of course, you can follow all of my action with weekly Sonicare updates here, and daily updates on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Whrrl.

“Disclosure: I received money in exchange for my participation in the #SonicareChallenge from Sonicare & Collective Bias. All opinions are my own.”

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