I found out today that my appendage will be with me for at least another 4 weeks. I’ve already had him for two weeks, and I thought since he would be around a little longer he needed a name.
Meet… Fred.
Please forgive me for not introducing you sooner.
Linked to 5 Minutes for Mom
Pleasure to meet you, Fred!
{Love your expression :)}
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling´s last blog post ..Interesting Links October 2010 Edition
(giggle) Thanks Jenn!!!
Oh No!! I guess I need to check in a little more often. I didn’t know there was a Fred, let alone that you finally decided to name him. I guess your favorite shoes will have to be put on hold for the time being. 🙁 Bummer. Heal quickly so you can get rid of Fred!!
Ha ha! Yes, I’m a dork 😀 Thanks for your well-wishes! I appreciate it.