{photo by: hebedesign}
Yes, you read that title correctly.
I suppose it will make my husband feel more valued while he is away.
See, we aren’t used to having Shane away at night.
The girls are not as weepy as they were the first night without Daddy, but they are still very sad. My girls are the poster-children for “Daddy’s Girls.”
Me? Well, I am thankful for the extra space in the bed (although you wouldn’t know I had extra space with the way the girls lay asclosetomeaspossible).
So, in honor of this temporary single parenthood, here are the top 5 things I am stuck doing while Shane is away.
(FYI, this is all tongue-in-cheek. I thought I’d better say that now. Plus, I know I’m lucky to have a husband who does so much.)
5. Getting the girls’ breakfasts. The mom, “I’m hungry, what is for breakfast?” scenario has been quite common this week.
4. Making coffee. Shane didn’t drink coffee until I corrupted converted him. Now he loves it. And he makes a better pot of coffee than I ever did. These days, making coffee consists of popping a k-cup in the Keurig, but whatever. He does it for me. I like that.
3. Moving heavy objects. Now this is one that will make Shane laugh, as I am the queen of rearranging furniture alone while he is at work. But I move this massive piece yesterday from the bedroom to the kitchen (it still has to go all the way to the garage so I can sand and repaint it), and my back and a few piggies are still screaming from that little stunt.
2. Dishes. Oh, how I loathe dishes.
1. Bedtime. We do bedtime for the girls together, and it will be nice when Shane is here to pray for them in person, rather than over the phone. It’s not fun for anyone when the phone cuts off mid-prayer. Hysterics and major tears ensue.
Some things are just better done together.
Or by someone else. {wink}
I hear ya! Thank God for strong hubbies ;). My hubby has spent about 3 days away from us all the 2 1/2 years we’ve been married and it’s no fun!
Miranda´s last blog post ..At This Moment
Aww… Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that, you know! Sounds like you’ve got a good man there, but you knew that. 😉
Tara @ Deal Seeking Mom´s last blog post ..Magazinescom 51 Cash Back Today Only Everyday Food 882!
Awwwww, Amy I love it! Nothing better than having our hubbies away to appreciate what they do and how much they mean to me. Love you Amy……Jan