This August was my 5 year blogging anniversary. It’s hard to believe that five years have gone by so quickly. I began blogging shortly before Meleah was born, and the last five years have been interesting as I’ve navigated this bloggy environment.
I will let you know that there are going to be major changes coming to both of my blogs in the next few months. I’m not sure what that is going to look like now, but my designer and I are quietly working behind the scenes to get it all together. I appreciate your continued support and reading of this blog, because many of the emails I receive are from you readers who enjoy reading about our family. I can’t tell you how that warms my heart. I have tons of ideas floating around in this crazy brain of mine, and several posts in draft, but I am in a season of life that doesn’t allow much downtime for writing. For those of you who have stuck with me, you truly mean the world to me, and I appreciate the encouragement you have sent my way.
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