First stop: Walgreens (items on the left)
I picked up 2 items that are Free After Rebate this month. They were not easy to find, since they usually seem to be out of stock!
Aquafresh Advanced Whitening Toothpaste– on sale for $2.00, used this $2 off coupon
jane. Be Pure Mineral Blush– $4.99 used this $2 off coupon
Total Cost after rebate= FREE +$4 PROFIT
Next stop (right across the street): CVS
I got there right before closing, once again. I love how friendly and helpful the staff is. With minutes to spare, a cashier helped me find the swiffer stuff. They were sold out of the Softsoap SPA, but I noticed one lone bottle on the counter when I went to pay. I asked if it was available, and the cashier handed it to me and said, “I was going to buy it, but you can have it.” I tried to refuse, but she insisted I take it. How nice!
I ended up with:
2 Swiffer Duster starter kits
5 Sunsilk Hair Products (print coupons here)
1 bottle Softsoap SPA body wash (printable coupon here)
2 jars CoverGirl Foundation (B1G1 in 4/6 insert)
1 CoverGirl Incredifull Lipstick
I used 1 coupon per item, all from recent Sunday inserts.
Shelf total: $67.66
My total after sale, coupons and ECBs: $10.11 OOP
ECBs earned: $28
I heart CVS!
Thanks for the comment! I don’t know that I will ever be able to become as frugaly talented as you though!
I am glad Leah finally slept…it must be tiring for her to be so popular at nap time. 😉
What is OOP?
OOP= Out of Pocket
Great Job!
I am planning to go back today and use those sunsilk coups! The stores I have been in haven’t had the products I wanted so I’ve been holding out!
Thanks for posting over at my site for CVS SUPERSTARS!!
The “Cent”sible Sawyer
So I did the softsoap deal a couple of weeks ago and thought it was for that week only…limit of 5. But am hearing…now you included….of people buying them with a limit of two as a monthly deal. So do you think I can still do an additional monthly deal with these or do you think it is different due to location?
The Softsoap is a “hidden” April deal that actually started a few days early. If you already got 5 that week, I believe you reached the limit for the month.
My receipt is showing that I can still get one (I have only found 4) and earn ECBs. I have not heard of the extra 2 deal. If you try it, and it works, please let me know! You can always return them if it does not work. I can’t seem to find anymore around here. Thanks! 🙂