Coupon pros have a language all their own. If you are a beginner, you may be wondering what all these funny abbreviations mean.
So, here is a simple list of must-know terms:
ECBs– Extra Care Bucks that you “earn” at CVS by purchasing specific products. They can be used like cash on almost anything in the store. These print at the end of your receipt, so make sure to save them!
RRs– Register Rewards: Walgreens version of ECBs, but not as plentiful. Usually just a few items per week in the ad flier will generate RRs.
ES– Easy Saver Catalog at Walgreen’s (published monthly) no longer published
IVC– Instant Value Coupon found in the ES
SS– Smartsource (newspaper insert)
V– Valassis (newspaper insert)
RP– Redplum (newspaper insert)
P&G– Proctor & Gamble (newspaper insert, usually once a month)
Stacking– when you combine a store coupon with a manufacturers coupon or sale for the most savings
BOGO or B1G1– Buy One Get One Free
OOP– Out of Pocket
FAR– Free After Rebate
CRT– Cash Register Tape (receipt)
Blinkie– a coupon found in a grocery store that spits out of a blinking machine
Peelie– a coupon sticker on product packaging
Catalina– a coupon that prints with your receipt at many stores, almost always a man. coupon (these can be used anywhere, so make sure to save them!)
Overage– when an item is more than free
Filler– an inexpensive item at CVS to achieve the total you need for maximum savings
GG– The Grocery Game
Coups or Qs– coupons
YMMV– Your Mileage May Vary
WYB– when you buy
MIR– mail in rebate
Am I forgetting anything? Feel free to add to the list in comments. Thank you!
Great for the newbies, thank you so much! ~sam
These terms/abbr were very helpful! Thanks!~Dani
When you say that Catalina’s can be sued anywhere do you mean like if i get one @ one grocery store i can use it at a different grocery store?
I asked one time and they like laughed at me!! Good to know=)
Where’s the best place to start collecting coupons?
i think best place to start collecting coupons is the sunday paper, and also is for target coupons…hope this helps!
I’ve been told by Walgreen’s that their ESs will no longer be available. April was the last month. They will only be doing RRs now.
Newbies may not know what this means:
$1/2 Q 5/17 SS
This is an example of a $1 off of TWO items coupon, found in May 17 Smart Source insert.
This format was the hardest for me to digest as a beginner. HTH!
I love the Coupon Game….I ALWAYS WIN!!! Plus the prize is my own money! 🙂