Thanks to Kroger, I have not had to make a trip to Wal-Mart in 2 weeks! You can still shop the mega event sale tomorrow, April 15th, in select areas. This is your last chance, so get there early!
I can’t believe how much food I came home with. Here is my stash:
With help from the Grocery Game, the Mega Event, and Manager’s Specials, I walked away spending just $29.39!
There are so many things to list, so here are a few highlights:
I found 4 manager’s specials (orange sticker) with great prices. The yogurt was marked down to .50 and .75, turkey sausage was $1.79, and the bread was .89. Kroger does not calculate the savings on manager’s specials, but I know it was a lot.
The 3 Brut Deodorants were FREE, thanks to the 10/$10 sale price and 3/$1 off coupons from last Sunday’s inserts.
The Softsoap handsoap was FREE, also on sale for $1 and stacked with .35 coupon from recent insert, which was tripled.
Both bags of Healthy Life Cat Food were FREE with coupons.
Overall, I saved more than 60% off shelf price. Thank you, Kroger!
You go girl!!
You are amazing!!!!
OK Alyssa ~ I have to say that I think I’m thankful that this Kroger MEGA sale has come to an end!!! I made my last of WAY too many Kroger trips over the last two weeks today, with no real mission other than to see how much I could buy for how little I could spend! This two-week game has worn me out! I have wiped out a lot of my coupons, and can’t fit one more thing onto my pantry shelves!!! Whew!