I took a day off from blogging due to a yucky head cold. But, I’m back, and Andrea over at Mommy Snacks has tagged me for a new meme. My very first tag, yippee!
I am to list 5 things that bust my budget, and then tag 3 other blogging friends to do the same.
Ten years ago, this list would have looked completely different. Here are my current budget busters:
- Eating Out (also on Andrea’s list)- This is such a budget killer, and a bad habit that only got worse when we moved to Texas. We love trying new restaurants, and always use coupons, but still feel the pinch.
- Target– I actually recently gave up Target completely. The clearance racks and those orange stickers are just too tempting. I could spend hours in Target with a cup of Starbucks and a cart. Dangerous combination.
- Hubby’s Hobbies– Sorry, babe, but it’s true. One word: GOLF. Enough said.
- Kitchen Gadgets– Although I am not a gourmet chef, something about a shiny new kitchen gadget makes me giddy with excitement.
- Travel– No, not on an exotic vacation. But, I was so homesick during my first year in Texas, that we traveled back to SoCal 3 times, with kids. Plane tickets and meals out at all my old favorites really busted the budget. This year, we are limiting it to one visit this summer.
Get Ready, blogger friends, here is who I am tagging:
Nessa at Ramblings of a Texas Housewife
Denise at The “Cent”sible Sawyer
Kendra at Handprints on the Wall
Let’s hear yours!
Thanks for playing along! And, the Target stores that have Starbucks in them are the worst!!! I have my coffee – the kids get slushies and we make a day of it…scary 🙂
1) Shoes. I am on my feet too much of the day and getting too old to scrimp on these. Comfort trumps fashion, and comfort ain’t cheap.
2) Travel. Daughter and grandchildren move to Texas, I’m not moving. Gotta go. Not often enough, but it’s a must.
3) Art Pottery. Trying to get that one under control. Being a collector of anything is dangerous.
4) Gas. Driving to work, well, gotta do that. But staying home on the weekend? Boring! Too bad LA doesn’t have good public transportation. So I drive. I sure have fun when I get there.
5) Grad School. A temporary budget buster, though, and it will pay off in the long run, because I will earn more money! And retire with more income!
Thanks for tagging me! I’m almost done posting my 5 budget busters. Glad to play along 🙂
I have to add a number 6, thanks to Kendra: Health Insurance! Ouch!