Today my voice is taking the day off. Not sure why, I am not sick anymore, but my voice has disappeared. What a perfect excuse to curl up with the laptop while hubby watches the girls!
I feel so loved! I was tagged again, this time by Denise aka The “Cent”sible Sawyer.
The tag:
7 Things You May Not Know About Me (only 7???)
- I am the oldest of 4 girls. I not only have changed thousands of my own kids’ diapers, I changed my sisters’ too! I am your typical oldest child: bossy and opinionated (working on that). Since I know nothing about raising boys, God so graciously gave me a step-son! (Do you see the irony?)
- I was a vegetarian. Until recently. After 17 years of no meat in my diet, I shocked my friends and family by trying turkey and chicken. Still not going for the red stuff, but hubby is very pleased.
- I am passionate about helping animals in need. Both of my lovable Boxers were adopted, and numerous stray animals seem to end up in my front yard on a regular basis.
- I can dance Hula. While living in Hawaii (Maui) as a child, I studied Hula quite seriously. I think I am actually pretty good at it (for a white girl).
- I have freakishly long legs. I can never seems to find pants that are quite long enough (it might help if I tried the mall, but I can’t stand the mall). Other weird bodily fact: I am 5’7″ and wear a size 6 1/2 shoe!
- I was a single mom. Most of you may know this, but I had an unexpected blessing at the age of 21. My baby girl is now 7, and she changed my life forever. By the grace of God, I married a wonderful man when she was 4 years old, and he has been “Daddy” ever since.
- I have moved too many times. I have moved every year of my adult life, starting at the age of 18. I recently realized that I have never had Christmas in the same place. So, 2008 will be different!! We are not moving this year, and actually get to have Christmas again in our own house.
Well, there you have it. Now, who shall I tag next? Let’s see…
Bethany at Centsible Shopper
Chrissy at BeCentsAble
Hope y’all will play along!
More things to know about Alyssa:
1) She won a state-wide writing award in the eighth grade.
2) Her hula school won the big state-wide championship when she was performing.
3) She was a cheerleader in high school.
4) She is an eighth-generation Californian, despite being a current Texan.