I really cannot say that I enjoy shopping at your store. Your employees seem bored, and your Roll-Backs are a sham. Your speedy check-out is most definitely not speedy.
With that said, I do occasionally visit you when absolutely necessary. I prefer your company early in the morning, or late in the evening, when your crowds are not so crazy.
Tonight was one of those times. I am hoping that perhaps someday you will implement a “kid free” shopping curfew. Unlikely, no doubt, but it never ceases to amaze me how many families with screaming toddlers prefer to shop with you at 11pm.
However, I want to thank you, dear Wal-Mart, for the bargains I found tonight. You always accept my internet coupons, even with overage. My cashier tonight was rather grumpy, but she scanned all of my coupons with care. I hope you don’t mind that I only paid 96 cents for all this:
It certainly makes doing business with you more enjoyable. You may not see me for a few weeks, but Wal-Mart, I will be back.
Very Truly Yours,
P.S. I also hope you don’t mind that I am sharing these coupons with some frugal friends.
$2.00 off Johnsons Buddies soap
$5.00 off Zantac Cool Mint
$2.00 off Kraft LivActive Cheese
$3.00 off 2 Huggies Clean Team
FREE Scotch-Brite Disposable Toilet Scrubbers
Thanks for the chuckle early this morning 🙂
Zantac? Do we have the family stomach?
I love this! We shop at Walmart on a regular basis, and all of the things you said are true.
oh you are too funny!
Thanks for the links to coupons and the ideas for Wal-Mart deals. Mine was out of the Scotch Brite starter kits, but I’ll keep looking, but I got 6 of the Huggies wipes. Now I don’t have small kids, but these work just as well as the Cottonelle brand of flushable wipes and at 0.28 for 2, I couldn’t pass it up. :-). Love your site and thanks for the great ideas and fun laughs. My relationship with Wal-mart can be a love/hate thing too sometimes.
God bless and have a great week,
Mary Jane
You could also try Target for the toilet scrubbers.
I really do avoid Walmart as much as possible, but these deals were too good to pass up!