Not that I needed any more cereal, but this was too good to pass up.
Buy 4 Cheerios, Fruity Cheerios or Trix in 1 Transaction, instantly save $4!
Use 4 of these coupons, thanks to Money Saving Mom.
Final Cost= 0.50/box
Muir Glen Organic Tomatoes (big can), on sale for $1.50
Use the same coupon link above to print a $1.00/1 coupon (can be printed more than once, just hit the back button).
Final Cost= 0.50
Purex Laundry Detergent, on sale 2/$5. Use $1/2 coupon from recent insert.
Final cost= $2.00/bottle (64 loads total, not bad!)
Now I just have to find a place to store all this cereal, since my pantry is full!
Isn’t that an awesome price on cereal! Not sure if you saw it, but I think shortcuts also had a $1 off 2 for the Honey Nut Cheerios so you could get it even cheaper – that tends to make it taste better, doesn’t it ??!!
You are right, I forgot to mention shortcuts. Great bargains ALWAYS taste better!
I know what you mean about having so much cereal. Last time Kroger had a great cereal deal, I ended up with 6 giant boxes of Cheerios. I vowed not to buy any more cereal until it was used up.
Then today I got two free boxes of Kashi and one free box of Honey Bunches of Oats Chocolate Clusters from WalMart because I had the coups and I was just so darn sick of Cheerios!!
Yes, Cheerios do get old after a while, LOL. I will have to try the Kashi, let me know if it is yummy!