This from my MOPS friend, Kimi:
Today at SuperTarget I spent $1.50 on 5 items!!!
Here’s what I got:
2 Johnson’s Buddies Foam Shampoo ($2.84 each)
1 Johnson’s Buddies Sudzing Bar (.94)
1 Benadryl Itch Relief Stick (2.09)
1 Purell Hand Sanitizer (12oz.) ($2.99)
Here’s how it went down:
In Sunday’s paper there was a save $5 off at Target coupon when you purchase 5 of the featured items. Everything above was featured, and then I also had an individual coupon for everything I purchased.
$1 (on 1) and $2 (on 2) Johnson’s baby products (total $3)
$1 on Benadryl topical products
$1 on Purell products
(all of the above coupons were in Sunday’s paper (plus some backstock Johnson’s coupons) – I had two sets of coupons, so I will be going back again tomorrow!!!)
My total was $11.50, but I had $10 in coupons and only spent $1.50!!!
Now, I could have spent even less if I had gotten more of the Johnson’s sudzing bars, but we have never used those b/4, and I want to try it out b/4 I get a ton – even if they are free!!! Their foam shampoo has been a staple around here for the last two years – we love that stuff!
Now Alyssa, I know you do not allow yourself in ST, but, it might be worth it if you park on the grocery side and go in on a mission! All of my goodies were within a few rows of one another and the only extra thing I bought was shaving cream, which I desperately needed, but of course had a coupon for!
I’ll be back tomorrow to use my second set of coupons – now that I know all the prices, I have to figure out what to get and see if I can spend even less on 5 things!
Happy Targeting!
Thanks so much for sharing, Kimi! You seriously need to start your own blog.
What do you think, readers? Should I break my own rule? Is it worth it?
I don’t know Alyssa – is this no Target thing like no never, or never go to the clearance. It’s a tough question!!! When my cash-only diet is over in a few days, I might gander more lovingly at the clothes I want to purchase…
My rule is no never, only because all my impulse control goes out the window somehow in Target.
Since I stopped going altogether, my spending actually went way down. I was shocked by how one store could affect my budget that much!
Kimi found an awesome deal, but can I resist the tempting clearance racks?
Go for it! If anyone is up to the task, it’s you, my dear.
Sounds like a deal worth “going in for”. Just “stay low” and avoid the clearance racks. 🙂
Thank Kimi for the great ideas. I don’t think I even looked through the Target ad, but I have it and will go look now. We don’t have a Super Target, but do have a regular one nearby, so I may have to try this out.
Thanks again and God bless.
Alyssa – I would go then and only spend 15 minutes. That way, you can’t impulse shop too much, but you’re doing your budget a favor by gettin’ all the sweet deals! But, if truly is that much of a temptation, stay out all together!!
I wouldn’t want all the time I spent into saving money be blown out the window because I saw some things I just “had to have!” and that would toootally be me too!