I am a full-fledged caffeine addict. There, I said it! Without my 2 cups of coffee in the morning, I am completely useless.
Since I am not a smoker or soda drinker at all, I think a little caffeine is not such a bad thing, right?
Don’t worry, frugal friends, I am not running to Starbucks! I start each and every day with a fresh pot at home. There is just one problem. My favorite coffee in the whole wide world is not sold in North Texas. Had I known this ahead of time, I would have stockpiled a year’s supply!
This was a major issue when we moved here in 2006. Not only did I lose my precious Trader Joes, Wahoos (a very famous fish-taco restaurant), and the beach, life was just not the same without my old familiar brew!
Perhaps this sounds a bit over dramatic, but let me explain. My Mom got me hooked on this coffee years ago. The smell alone brings back comforting memories and familiar feelings.
Thankfully, my family in California faithfully keeps my addiction satisfied. Mom sends care packages with my coffee, or brings a few cans when she visits. As of today, my supply has diminished entirely (insert horrified gasp here).
Coincidentally, one of my sisters is coming for a visit this Friday! *HINT HINT* Perhaps Don Francisco’s Hawaiian Hazelnut will find it’s way into her suitcase. I wonder…
Yes, perhaps…