Mother's Day is not far off!Print your Hobby Lobby coupon here.Deals of Note:Lamps are 50% offRubber Stamps and Sets 50% offOnline Catalog- Floral Department 25% offPrint Coupons for Windex, Pledge or Scrubbing Bubbles here. … [Read more...]
Potty Training Coupons and Resources

I will officially begin potty training my youngest this summer. Woohoo! Soon I will be diaper free. *sniff*Huggies is just so observant. They know her birth date, so they sent me some good stuff!Here you go!Printable Pull-Ups CouponFree … [Read more...]

Confession time:I am a full-fledged caffeine addict. There, I said it! Without my 2 cups of coffee in the morning, I am completely useless.Since I am not a smoker or soda drinker at all, I think a little caffeine is not such a bad thing, … [Read more...]
CVS Success! $107.89 Value

It has been a while since I posted my shopping trips. This week has been a whirlwind, so I am finally getting caught up. CVS has been very good to me lately!1st Trip: I brought home:1 8 pack Scott paper towels ($1.00 off coupon)(2) kids "Zooth" … [Read more...]
Sweet Sunday: Theology From A Two Year Old

An Actual Conversation with my Toddler Yesterday:Daddy: "Leah,"Leah (yelling): "Alive!" (she learned this on Easter)Daddy: "Jesus...wants us...?"Leah: "To Give!"Daddy: "Leah, where does Jesus live?"Leah: long … [Read more...]