I picked up another early edition Sunday paper today, just so I could share the scoop with my frugal friends!There are 2 coupon sections this week. 1 Smart Source and 1 Red Plum. The SS is actually pretty thick. Get your scissors ready!Here are … [Read more...]
PayPal vs. RME: PayPal is Fighting Back

I received an interesting email from PayPal today. I have been a PayPal account holder for years, and very rarely receive emails from them. Curiosity aroused, I opened the email to read about "new" features they are offering."Exclusive Savings on … [Read more...]
Hidden Deal at CVS: My, how clean you smell!
My all-time favorite CVS deals are unadvertised. Thanks to Money Saving Mom, we CVSers are always in the loop!This is a new Softsoap ECB deal, on the larger bottles of SPA Bodywash. Not all CVS stores carry the larger size, so lucky you if you find … [Read more...]
What To Do When You Lose Your Voice: Blog, of course! Tagged Again
Today my voice is taking the day off. Not sure why, I am not sick anymore, but my voice has disappeared. What a perfect excuse to curl up with the laptop while hubby watches the girls! I feel so loved! I was tagged again, this time by Denise aka … [Read more...]
Expelled: Opens today in Theaters
In a controversial new satirical documentary, author, former presidential speechwriter, economist, lawyer and actor Ben Stein travels the world, looking to some of the best scientific minds of our generation for the answer to the biggest question … [Read more...]