Every Wednesday morning, I trudge outside in my bathrobe to grab the newspaper. I usually browse the Supermarket fliers over coffee with mild interest. Being a Grocery Gamer, Sundays are usually my big planning days for the week’s shopping expeditions.
But today, when I came across the Kroger ad, I nearly spilled my coffee! Starting today, Kroger is having a “Mega Event”, much like Albertsons did last week. Only this Mega Event is much more flexible (and lucrative). Here is the basic strategy:
Buy any 10 participating items (mix and match, look for the Double Yellow Tags throughout the store), instantly get $5 off. You can do this up to 3 times in one visit!
Kroger in this area will Triple Coupons up to 39 cents, and Double Coupons up to 50 cents. This means, for example, if you have a 50 cent coupon for Peter Pan Peanut Butter, it is free!
Where do I start? Well, normally I would be waiting until Sunday to get my GG list and new coupons. But, I have a hefty coupon binder and know that if you don’t shop early during a great sale, things will be gone before you know it.
My plan for tomorrow after work: gather as many coupons as I can get my hands on for participating items. Leave kids at home with hubby. Shop and conquer!
You can view the Kroger ad HERE (this may vary by region) if you do not get a Wednesday newspaper. If this seems confusing at all, please feel free to email me with any questions. Sales like these do not come around very often. You will not want to miss this!
Check out what my friend Nessa bought today at Kroger for only 49 cents!
Other good deals of note:
Strawberries $1.97
Milk 2/$6
Asparagus $1.97/lb
I will post tomorrow with my results!
Want some company? I would love to learn from the pro!!!