Retrieving the mail is much more fun when you open your mailbox to find it bursting with freebies. This happens a lot at my house. It’s like getting a little present every day.
Since I discovered the blogosphere, I have requested and received a multitude of free samples in the mail. I am careful to select items I know will be put to good use, or passed on to others in need.
So many bloggers so graciously pass along the freebie offers, I find myself accidentally ordering things more than once. I am usually greeted by a “sorry, our records indicate you have already requested this sample.” Oops.
There is a simple solution I should have thought of a long time ago! Keep a little notebook next to my laptop, and jot down the requested freebie after I order it.
I am not as concerned with tracking the ones I receive, since there is never a guarantee you will get every sample you order. But it is nice to know what samples you have taken the time to fill out, to avoid a wasted request. That works for me!
To save even more time when requesting freebies, check out my post on Roboform.
Great idea!
Good idea.. I am constantly filling out these freebies that are posted.. and I forget what I requested lol