It is Making Your Home a Haven Monday over at Biblical Womanhood, and I am so thankful! I really needed good swift kick in the pants to get my stockpile in order.
Crystal challenged us to accomplish 3 things today:
- Refresh Your Spirit (spend time with the Lord).
- Take time to plan (make my shopping list).
- Do Something! (I chose to tackle my CVS stockpile).
See my little survey on the right? Yeah, that vote for “Out of Control” is mine. When I first started CVSing, I went a little crazy. I am now refocusing on getting more immediate needs for my family, even if it means spending a little more OOP.
An added benefit of an organized stockpile is that I am able to assess what I have, and put aside items to donate to my church’s Missions Ministry.
But, it appears that almost everybody else has this down! Nothing like a good blog post to keep me accountable!
So… I cannot believe what I am about to show you. Here is the before picture, brace yourself!
Now, this photo was taken as I was in the process of taking everything out of my nifty organizational system (an old laundry basket). Minutes before, all the items were actually inside of it, on my bathroom floor. Shameful, I know.
There, now you know my terrible secret. I am domestically challenged. That is why I am so thankful for the blogosphere!
A few minutes and a trip to Wal-Mart later, the AFTER photo:
Awww, much better! That was relatively painless! I have a HUGE walk-in closet that I could never possibly fill with clothes, so that is where my stockpile now lives. I even put labels on each section! I still have a ways to go, but progress is good.
Next Monday, I will tackle the dreaded pantry.
“She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27
Great idea! I’ve been trying to figure out how to organize my ever growing CVS stash! 🙂
haha I spent all day cleaning out my pantry to make room for my stock piling, great minds tink alike.
Good job organizing – maybe you can come by my house next? 🙂
Awesome bible verse!
Great idea!
Can’t wait to have a nice stockpile like you do!
WOW – that was a lot of stuff girl!!!!
WOW! I have got to figure out this system. My life is a little hectic and stressful right now and my brain seems to be moving slowly grasping it all… but I think I am well on the road to being a CVS saver… and now you’ll have me being a Walgreens saver soon too!