At the urging of my friend Kimi, I reluctantly decided to give Target another shot. Remember that “shoppers high” after buying something new and cute? I get that same feeling now when I walk out of a store spending very little money. My, how times have changed!
If you are a member of Target Addicts Anonymous like myself, here are some key steps to easing back towards the bullseye.
- Take a break. Just stay away! At least until you feel the impact in your pocketbook. Believe me, I noticed how much more money stayed in my wallet when I simply avoided it altogether.
- Scour the blogosphere for hot deals at Target before hand.
- Once your willpower has increased, shop with an accountability partner.
- Have a specific list, and coupons in hand when you walk through those pearly gates, I mean doors.
- Avoid the dollar spot. You know who you are.
- And the key to making it out of Target without a cart-full of unplanned purchases? Get there 15 minutes before closing. Seriously.
My biggest weakness at Target was the temptation to browse around all the clearance sections. I knew where each one was hidden. But with only 15 minutes to shop, there just is not time to wander.
4 small bags of Archer Farms coffee @ $0.99- $1 coupon here, makes them FREE!
2 bags of Archer Farms chips @ $0.89- $1/2 coupon here, makes them $0.39/ea.
1 Bag of Purina Healthful Life Cat Chow @ $5.39- received a $1.50 coupon with recent sample
1 Scotch Fur Fighter @ $5.99 (sale price)- stacked $4 Target coupon here, and $4 man. here (final price= FREE + $2.01 overage!!)
Grand Total After Coupons= $3.66
Probably the least amount of money I have ever spent in Target on a single shopping trip. Less than the cat food alone! Thank goodness they were closing, because I was SO tempted to browse around.
To read other stories of awesome savings, go here.
Sound off, readers: can you relate to my Target addiction?
Do you take advantage of the awesome coupon deals, or are you a clearance junkie? Go ahead, confess.
You did great!! I haven’t been there in a while, but I do love to look in the clearance sections.
Great Job, Alyssa!!! You should be really proud of yourself! And, even more proud because you resisted the clearance rack!!
Ah, the Dollar Spot gets me too!
Great job 😉
Yeah Alyssa!!! So glad to have you back in the bullseye – you did a great job! I too have a Target weakness -but I always go in armed and dangerous with my list and coupons ready. I do admit to almost always checking the clearance sections, but mainly for the boys. Too often I have found cute clothes for less than $5, and with as fast as they grow and as quickly as clothes mysteriously get ruined around here, you can’t beat that! Great job!
Target and HobbyLobby are my biggest weakness I cant leave there with out spending way to much money! But now that I am becoming frugal all that will hopeully change and I will be able to resist lol!
I had to giggle reading your entry.
I am the same way in Target. With coffee in hand I Love to wander the aisles looking at the clearance stuff.
I even asked to do this on my birthday.. so sad. But we really don’t get to Target all that much. It’s like going on vacation. LOL.
I found your blog through Frugal Friday!
Have a great one!
I found your blog at Money Saving Mom! I have a target problem too, I’ll admit it. I had a similar experience where I went armed with a list and kept finding things on clearance that I also had a coupon for! Even with the coupon and the mark down, the prices were above $1. So I made a rule for myself. If it’s not on the list and it’s more than $1, you can’t buy it. It works! My last Target trip I got 2 boxes of cereal and a bag of cracker crisps for $0.48! I’m glad I’m not the only Target addict out there! (What’s worse is that I used to work there to get through college! Try surviving the sales with a 10% discount! It’s tough!)
I knew there had to be others under the spell of the all mighty bullseye!
Step. Away. From the Dollar Spot!