Dearest Frugal Friends,
I have so many potential posts swirling around in my head that I don’t know where to begin. Most of my blogging is done late at night, and I am afraid it has caught up with me. My eyes are…. oh sorry, dosed off there for a sec…getting very heavy.
So, to give you all something worth reading this evening, I have rounded up a few posts from more, um, awake bloggers.
Start your clicking, and have fun!
Succeeding at Frugality– The New Frugal Mom
Mommy Bloggers– Velveteen Mind
36 Tips for Productivity in the Home– Simple Mom (I need to print this and put it on the fridge)
And in honor of potty training, check out this interesting technique. Hmm…
I think we read much the same stuff. At first I thought you had just pulled everything out of my Google Share. 😉
And I can’t tell you how many posts I have backed up. Yet I only manage to actually write once or twice a week. Perhaps if I forced myself to stay awake after the kids went down rather than crashing… nah, that will never happen.
Thanks for the mention!