Yes, I confess, I went to the MALL this weekend. I am not a mall person, nor am I fond of crowds. But this was a special event.
I am pleased to report that we have wonderful new neighbors right next door. We went from living next to a registered sex offender (seriously) to now living next to a Christian family with 2 little girls.
I had an instant connection with the mom, Joy, who happens to be blind. But you would never know it by meeting her! Not only is she beautiful, she is completely put together and always smiling.
Joy moved here with her family from Oregon last year, to which I can certainly relate. Needless to say, she lacks independence and does not know many people here in Texas. She mentioned that she would love to go to the mall, so I offered to take her on Saturday. I have never seen anyone so excited about a trip to the mall.
Well, as you may have read, I had a little incident on Friday and by Saturday felt like I had been hit by a train. I could not let Joy down. So, I loaded up on Alleve, and the 2 of us headed out.
The main goal was to get our eyebrows “stringed”. There is a special kiosk in the mall where you can sit down and be made beautiful. I was not quite sure what to expect, navigating through a crowded mall with my blind friend on my arm. But actually, she manages quite well in public and we found our destination.
So, there I was, frugal me, in a mall outside of Dillards, sitting at a kiosk about to pay to have my eyebrows shaped. I could not have felt more out of my element. But Joy was thrilled, and that was what mattered.
I could probably write a whole post just on the threading experience, but I will give you the short version. The bad news: it hurt like heck!! The good news: my eyebrows have not looked this good since my wedding day. No redness, no swelling! I even did my upper lip, since Joy went for it, why not?
So I spent $12 for my lip and eyebrows to look lovely for the next month, and made a friend very happy. Money well spent.
We strolled through the mall for a bit, and boy were we a sight to see! Joy on my arm, white cane in hand, people were STARING. How very awkward. I guess it is not often one sees a gorgeous blind woman strolling through the mall wearing a pretty white sun dress.
We chatted over lunch at Chick-Fil-A in the food court. If you have not tried their new chicken salad sandwich, I highly recommend it! Adult conversation, ice tea, kids at home, in a mall. I momentarily forgot all about my aching back and my scraped elbows.
I can’t say I am eager for another trip to the mall, but it was not entirely painful (no pun intended).
On to Father’s Day! I received many wonderful comments on my request for help! Thank you so much for all of your valuable input!
Troy had a lovely Father’s Day with breakfast in bed, a card (including a letter) from me and a letter from Sara. We enjoyed grilled burgers (turkey, of course) at his request.
My next goal is to read The 5 Love Languages. I have been meaning to for quite some time, and Andrea and April gave me some much needed motivation!
Hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day Weekend!
How awesome to have met someone who you instantly bonded with. What a blessing you are to each other! Joy sounds like a great person!
I say *ditto* to the above comment! God bless you! 🙂
Hi Alyssa… What a nice post. You are a good friend to take Joy to the mall. Glad y’all had a good time! I’ve never heard the term “stringing” before… And how wonderful that Father’s Day was a fun, creative success!
I want to thank you, Alyssa, for visiting my blog and for the sweet comment you left for me. Glad you liked my new banner… LOL … I thought it would be cute and fun to use for the upcoming Summer!
Sure do hope that this week is kind to you, and accident FREE! Please know that you are always welcome to visit… anytime!! God bless…
That was so nice of you to go to the mall with Joy. And what a nice time you had!
And sounds like Father’s Day turned out great. Is all your soreness gone now after your fall?
That is a great story! Sometimes we need to give ourselves a treat, and the girl time must have been priceless!
That was very sweet of you, I cant stand the mall or crowds to. My neighbor across the street does threading in her home, she is a stay at home mom and does it to earn a little extra money I will ask her about it, if you would rather take your nieghbor there instead of the mall next time 🙂
Also you are more than welcome to borrow my copy of The Five Langauges of Love, you will learn alot from it.
Hmmm Is it to painful or about like waxing? I’ve been thinking about getting the threading done on my eyebrows but Im a little iffy still.That was very nice of you to take her out. I’m not blind but I don’t drive and I can relate to to thrill she got at being taken somewhere.
Pearl, yes, I hope my week is accident free too! LOL
Lisa, I am feeling better today, thanks for asking. I have nasty scabs on my elbows, but I am on the mend.
April- thanks, you are the second person to offer that to me!
Angela- Yes, it was painful. Unlike waxing, each hair comes out one at a time. But I would do it again, it turned out great!