Well, I am slowly allowing a little Target time back in my life. I feel that once a month is “safe” at this point. Any more, and I would simply want to return more and more. The more I resist my old impulsive ways, the stronger I get!
If you missed my history with Target, get caught up here.
So, just in case somebody saw me at Target yesterday (it has happened before), this proves that I was under control:
1 Kraft Salad Dressing (free w/coupon from Kraft Food & Family magazine)
2 travel size All Laundry detergent (both free w/$1.00 coupons from 6/22 RP insert)
2 Purina Healthful Life cat food (both free w/2 coupons from 6/8 RP insert)
1 6-pack Fiber One Yogurt ($1.00 coupon from 5/11 SS insert)
I used printable Target coupons from the gift registry printer in the store for these:
1 small bag Archer Farms chips ($1.00 Target coupon makes them free)
3 cans Tyson chunk chicken breast ($1/3 Target coupon)
Total Before Coupons: $17.56
Total After: $5.33!!
I didnt know you could print coupons of the registry
You are so great! I will have to check out the Target coupons…
Very cool, last time we went to Target (it’s 2 hours away) a couple weeks ago, we got 6 boxes of cereal for $5.40.
Yep, you can use the registry, which will save you paper and ink. Warning: it is kind of a pain! The process is very slow, and bring scissors.
Darla- that is awesome! Cereal for under a buck is my favorite.
How do you print out coupons at the registry? Do you sign up for a gift registry?