Happy Friday! Just for fun, tell me what you think.
What is the most FRUGAL CAR you can drive?
Probably NOT this one, which is covered in diamonds.
Share your answer in comments, and I will update later with my answer.
Can’t wait to hear your opinion!
Well, the most frugal “car” for us is my bike. I have been riding it to work two days a week and we are saving lots of gas!
But for a “real” car–we have a Chevy Lumina from the late nineties and it gets great gas mileage, lots of trunk space, and lots of room for the family!
Me? I stay home and keep my SUV parked 90% of the time. I drive 10 miles about once a week generally. We use it for trips to see the kids, grandkids and my dad.
Hubby is like the 1st poster. He drives our ’99 Pontiac Bonneville that gets an amazing 36 MPG, has a huge trunk and loads of space if needed. Unfortunately, it needs a new A/C since the original works when it feels like it. It is just not so reliable for long trips any longer.
We have a Toyota Echo that gets really good gas mileage (40mpg) on the highway. This is the car we primarily use for everything we can. Hubby works from home three days a week but he commutes the other two days which is about 200 miles total. We have a Toyota 4-runner and it stays parked as much as possible. I only drive it when I have to which is usually once a week for piano lessons.
I am not sure what the most frugal car is…
I would have said th Toyato Prius because of the gas mileage – of course you pay a bunch up front and I just heard that to produce the battery for the Prius you cause more pollution than a HUMMER for the LIFE of the HUMMER!!! Can you believe that? Not to environmentally friendly huh?
Okay, so anyway, my USED Honda is pretty frugal – it will last a long time and it gets good gas mileage.
The “Cent”sible Sawyer
Hmmm….what about those Smart Cars that are starting to pop up in the U.S. now? I’m a fan of Hondas personally. 🙂
That’s extravagant. I don’t think I would feel comfortable in such a car.
The bike is he most frugal thing to use.
BTW, thanks dropping by my site.
happy blogging.
Besides a free car, the most frugal car for us is our 2002 Toyota Prius. We payed $16,000 for it used in 2006.
The most frugal car is the one you already have. In other words, don’t go out and get a new car if you have to finance the debt. Pay off the car you have and keep it running as long as you can!
I agree with mudder the most frugal car is the one that’s paid off! That’s my goal, I have never paid a car off.