When I first started seriously CVSing, I never thought of it as a way to save money on gifts. Sure, free toothpaste is great, but gifts can make a bigger impact on the family budget.
Frugal Dad recently reminded us just how quickly Christmas is approaching, and the importance of having a Christmas savings fund. I couldn’t agree more, but would like to suggest a few frugal gifts you can pick up this month… at our favorite store.
This week, Kodak and CVS have partnered up with a fantastic offer on free Photo Books. See how Marianne scored 2 of these for only $0.98 OOP with $15.98 back in ECB’s.
During the week of July 27- August 2nd, Extra Care Card holders can create a free Kodak Picture Movie DVD, (a new product) complete with music! This would make a unique gift for someone special.
*Updated* Kind reader, Cindy, sent me this little tip: “When I did my photobook this week, there were 2 coupons in my bag for $5 off a Picture Movie DVD. Folks might want to look for this.”
Thanks, Cindy! Be on the lookout for those coupons! This makes the deal a very sweet moneymaker.
So, now who can we cross off the list? I am sure Grandma would love one of these treasures!
CVS can also be a wonderful resource for frugal stocking stuffers, with careful planning. This week, pick up some free nail polish. All month, Essence of Beauty (a CVS brand) hand soaps are buy 3 @ $4.99, earn $5 Extra Care Bucks.
New to CVS? Check out The CVS $5 Challenge every week for helpful scenarios.
Will you be doing your Holiday Shopping at CVS this year?
Alyssa, thanks for the link! I just hope someone else finds those $3/1 CVS Q’s.
I actually started seriously CVSing last holiday season …. when all those good $$/$$ CVS Q’s were available. I think I spent less than $4 oop (for over $65 of goodies) and was able to get all my stocking stuffers for free.
Love the family photo, btw!
Have a great day!
Thanks for the heads up on the EOB soap!!! LOVE your blog 🙂
I've already picked up some cheap baby supplies for my step daughter's baby shower (& my 1st grandchild). I wasn't planning on getting the photobooks but the more I read about them the more I know I should.
And looking ahead I see they will have candy on ECB special so I might pick up some for band competitions and halloween. (Hopefully it will last that long!)
Any clue if there’s a “Photobooks for Beginners” link out there? I am completely intimidated any time I even start looking at them, but they sure would make a great gift for the inlaws.
BTW, working the EOB hand soap into the $3/$15 deal, combined with the $2 skincare coupons gets you 3 of them for about $1.00 after discounts, coupons and ECBs earned. I indulged in some yummy soap on the cheap!
Ill be doing my holiday shopping online cause i can save humdreds stuff i would normally buy at the store.
YES!!! I love getting good deals for stocking and gifts. I started that last year, I was new to coupons and found lots of great deals to help with gift giving – baby showers, I’m always setting up a baby bath basket. I gave nice baskets at the last two showers that cost me less than $5 each. They were big hits. I’ve already started my 2008 stockpile for gift giving. I love it!