Welcome back to The CVS $5 Challenge! Big thanks to everyone who participated last week.
If you are a first time visitor, here’s the lowdown:
Join me on Sundays as I host The $5.00 CVS Challenge!
Seasoned CVSers: share your best scenario(s) for the upcoming week at CVS.
Your budget: $5.00 out-of-pocket cash.
Your mission: to grow that $5.00 into even more ECBs to use in upcoming weeks.
Simply post about it on your blog, then drop by Keeping the Kingdom First and add your permalink and store destination to the Mr. Linky box.
*Today is technically the last day to enjoy the $3/$15 coupon. Some CVS stores gladly accept expired coupons up to a week beyond the expiration date.
Check with your favorite cashier (yes, you should have one by now!) to see if they will honor the coupon. Of course, if they say no, graciously accept the answer without making a stink, please!
I must admit, the deals are a little slim this week. I recommend wrapping up your July Extra Care book items if you have not done so already. There are also several BOGO (Buy One Get One Free) items this week.
Lost on the lingo? Go here.
For extra help planning your scenarios, visit Mommy Snacks, Coupon Cravings, or Money Saving Mom!
1. Come up with your best scenario/scenarios for the upcoming week at CVS using the current weekly ad, monthly deals, and coupons available. Your budget for Out of Pocket (OOP) expenses on the first transaction is only $5.00 (either cash OOP or ECBs on hand).
2. Using up to (3) scenarios (we don’t want to overwhelm the newbies with too many transactions), offer up your best scenarios to “grow” that $5.00 into more ECBs to use in following weeks.
3. If you want to divide your $5.00 allowance over the three scenarios to make them work, that’s fine!
4. Be sure to list coupons by inserts and/or with links to printables to make it easier for everyone to follow along.
Here is MY $5 Scenario:
Buy (3) Glade Scented Oil Candle Refills (3 pk) @ $2.49
Buy (2) Trident Gum Xtra Care Gum 14ct @ $1.49/2 (BOGO)
Total= $8.96
-B2GO Coupon from today’s insert ($2.49)
-BOGO Coupon from today’s insert ($1.49)
New Total= $4.98
New ECB’s earned= $4.00
Net cost= $0.98!
There you have it! A new way to play the CVS ECB game by helping newbies learn the ropes. And who knows – you just might be inspired yourself by some of the deals you find, too!
Have a $5.00 CVS Challenge scenario you’d like to share? Post it at your blog, then add your post’s permalink below. Please link directly to your post and link back to Keeping the Kingdom First, too. Thanks!
Don’t have a blog? You can leave a comment with your scenario, too. I invite everyone to participate in The $5.00 CVS Challenge – no deal is too small, believe me!
By the way, we bloggers LOVE to get comments, so please do take a moment to spread a little comment love. Thanks!
Hi. This is the BEST EVER as results for me at CVS!!! I rock at Walgreens, but haven't been able to work CVS, because I don't like to do several transactions. This week I did do 3 transactions/1 per card to get 30 packs of gum to send to soldiers in Iraq at an base that does NOT have the best facilities to brush their teeth, so they requested sugar-free gum.
Here goes:
1st transaction:
32 Loreal Vive (sale 4.99 bogo)
16 loreal bogo qs
16 $1 off Loreal qs
10 Trident gum (1.49 bogo)
5 trident bogo qs
2 CVS Pantishields (.89) {shoulda been .99}
6 Sure deod. (2.89)
3 sure bogo qs
(gave 3/only 1 taken off) $1 off any q
6 Various Always pads (3.69)
3 Always bogo qs
8 Gillette satincare shaving cream trial (.99)
(only 5 were allowed) .55 off any q
1 Schick ST women (2pk/trial) .99
1 $2 off any schick disposable
OOP $2.80
ECB earned:
cvs pantiliners $1.98 (.99ea x 2)
sure deoderant $9.00 (3.00/for 2 x 3)
trident (buy 2 get $1 x 5)
2nd transaction:
2 cvs panti shield (.89)
3 reese's PBC (.79)
10 trident bogo
5 trident bogo qs
OOP .71
ECBs earned:
$5 trident (buy 2 get $1 limit 5)
$1.98 cvs pantishield (.99 limit 2)
$2 catalina off cortaid, aveeno.
3rd transaction:
10 trident (1.49 & bogo)
5 trident bogo qs
2 cvs pantishields (.89)
OOP $1.93
ECBs earned:
trident $5
cvs pantishields $1.98
Also got my spring rewards ecbs of $6 on 1 card and $2.50 on the other. 3rd card just got today.
ECBs awarded today: $26.44 (Plus I found a ECB for 6.98 I forgot I had, lol)
If you remember that each item of the bogo can have a q when the store is running a bogo really helps!
Ooops! I forgot to add how much I saved.
transaction 1 :$221.95
" " 2 :$ 18.38
" " 3 :$ 14.90
$ 255.23
Lovin it!!! Thanks for the challenge. I was having a hard time with the deal before, but after reading your site a few times I really looked at my qs and am really happy with the outcome!!! Other than the gum, I have offered the deod. also along with shampoo & conditions either gotten today or WAGS bogo on sunsilk.
I spent $1.17 at CVS!!
I did my CVS shopping for today. I did not spend any money out of pocket because I had a good bit of coupons so I am not sure if this qualifies but please check out my post. 🙂