Looks like Office Depot, Target, Office Max, and Big Lots are now following Staples lead.
Check out these back-2-school bargains!
Office Max:
Schoolio Von Hoolio Crayons, 24-ct @ $0.01, limit 3
Schoolio Von Hoolio 12″ ruler @ $0.01, limit 3
Sharpie Accent Mini Hi-Lighters @ $0.05, limit 3
Schoolio Von Hoolio assorted grips and erasers @ $0.25, limit 3
ACME Junior Pointed or Blunt 5″ scissors @ $0.25, limit 3
Office Depot:
Office Depot brand washable school glue @ $0.01, limit 5
Office Depot brand 12″ ruler @ $0.05, limit 5
Office Depot brand marble composition book @ $0.30, limit 5
Assorted 1″ Poly Binders @ $0.50, limit 5
Crayola colored pencils 12-pk @ $0.50, limit 5
Ticonderoga Dry Erase markers, 4-pk @ FREE after rebate, limit 1
Elmer’s glue sticks 6-pk @ $1.00
10-pk portfolios @ $1.00
BIG Lots!:
Paper Mate 10-ct pens, 2 Pk. Pocket Portfolio, Pencil Sharpener, Stretchable book cover= $0.50 each
24ct Crayons and Mead Notebooks @ $0.10 each, limit 10
Several more items @ $0.88 or $1.00 each (too many to list!)
Mark your calendars, teachers! August 2nd is Teacher Appreciation Day at BIG Lots! Save 10% off your total purchase.
*Were you inspired to start a coupon binder? BIG Lots also has Mead 5 Star Multi-Functional 1 1/2″ Zippered Binders, pre-loaded with calculator, pencil pouch, organizer dividers & more for only 10 bucks!
(I have this silly fantasy about walking into the grocery store and seeing several other mommy shoppers with their zippered binders. I know, I am a total coupon dork).
Happy Shopping!
I love deals like this! Thanks for the update and I hope I can hit the stores later!
Wow, thanks! I need to go shopping! (Where’s my purse? Kids get in the car!!) 😛
I see women with binders ALL THE TIME!
Helps that we just had Harris-Teeter triples at my store, though. I think women drive from towns all around for that one.
I’m a binder girl, too! I make sure I have it in hand for Harris Teeter triples!
Maybe we should do a binder post and everyone put of pics of their binders and link it up. We could share our love of coupons, binders, organization and other ideas!
I sported my binder proudly today lol!
Your not alone I carry my binder everytime I go shopping. Mines not a traditional binder though. Its one that my dh had and was made to hold business cards. I use the slots for coupons though. It works out great for me. I tend to carry my binder around in a tote styled purse so I don’t get alot of strange looks until I take it out in the store. Now I just need to get out and grab up some of those school deals.
I love school supplies. New notebooks (in yellow, black, magenta, and lime green), a new binder (with clear, pocketed separators), and pens.
@Meredith How funny, I very rarely see anyone shopping with a binder here in Texas! Perhaps I am starting a new trend?
@April You go, girl! I wanna see it!
@The Ice House Great idea! I am going to implement that for sure.
I am seriously wishing we had Harris Teeter around here. Triple coupons sound like a dream come true!
Just going to mention. I was TOTALLY inspired to start a coupon binder. I found a great binder at a garage sale for 50 cents. I got the dividers, trading card holders and the clear plastic pouches yesterday. I have a few things to get before I’m done but I’m EXCITED! Thanks for the inspiration.