One of the best things about blogging is the sharing of ideas and sense of community that builds. Several of you have shared with me how inspired you were by my coupon binder.
Although I was completely caught off guard, I was thrilled to read about other moms taking steps to save money.
Inspiration struck. Why not have a Coupon Binder Show & Tell? Better yet, I’ll make it a giveaway, with a really sweet prize for one lucky blogger!
Here’s how it will work:
Tomorrow morning (I am not promising a time, it all depends on how quickly the caffeine kicks in), I will add a Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post.
Post an explanation, preferably with photos, of your coupon binder on your blog. (A few of you have already done this). You can grab the nifty button above, designed by my fabulous friend Karen.
Include a link back to The Coupon Binder Show & Tell at Keeping the Kingdom First in your post. Come back here, and drop your permalink in Mr. Linky. Please link directly to your post, not your homepage.
Because I don’t want anyone to feel left out, you do not have to be a binder fan. Feel free to post about whatever system works for you.
Oh yes, the giveaway. The contest will close on Friday, August 15th at noon. (Now closed) That way you have plenty of time to perfect your system or start a binder if you so desire. (Not to mention, I will be on vacation next week.)
I will use random number generator to select the winner, and announce the lucky blogger on Saturday, August 16th.
What’s that? You want to know the prize? Oh… but I love suspense, so I am not telling just yet. But, I promise it is a good one.
So…get those coupons ready! Show the world some coupon love! Who knows…we may just start a whole coupon binder revolution.
On your mark… get set… GO!!! Mr. Linky is waiting!
ohhh I am excited!!!! I am feeling really lucky 🙂 I gave u an award check it out on my blog.
Oh fun! I’m in:) However, I must admit that my coupon organizing system is quickly becoming not so organized since I am using a little accordion type file. Yeah, so that will change soon. Anyways, thanks for the redbox info and my week has improved some, thankfully!
Love reading your blog. Keep it up.
I hope the prize is a coupon binder like yours. Okay, if not, I’ll still be happy, but that is one AWESOME binder. 🙂
Erin @ Coupon Cravings
I am a very organized person by nature. So couponing was right up my alley. I have 4 large binders for coupons. They are arranged much like yours, but there are way too many for one binder. So I have one for toiletries, one for pets and medicine, one for household stuff, and one for food. They are all subdivided.
What I do differently than you is that I have a coupon wallet that I carry at all times. It has the coupons that I know I will be using soon (w/in a week). So if an errand takes me near my target store, I have the coupons in a small wallet that I can carry into the store. We have reached the place where taking in all 4 binders would be nearly impossible. We clip EVERY coupon (and have at least 12 copies of most of them) because I have connections to a privately-owned discount store that buys items from me to resell, and we split the profit. So any coupon is fair game.
Anyway, see my blog for a pic and description of my 2 coupon wallets.
Hope I win the prize!!
Be organized, save money AND win a prize – how much better can it get?
What fun! Thanks for putting on this Show & Tell.
Wow some of this ladies are inspiring me to do better with my coupons – much better…. Thank you for offering the contest so we all can see the different ways people do their couponing!!!
A question for all of you binder users: Do you clip every coupon or just the ones for products you know you’ll buy?
Right now I clip almost everything. For example, no one in my home uses a certain brand of deodorant, but I would get it at CVS if it were free or a money-maker in order to roll ECBs. Then I give that product to someone who can use it or donate it to a shelter.
I don’t necessarily want coupons like that taking up space in a binder that comes to the store with me each time, but it doesn’t make sense to me to have such a complete coupon center and then have another stash at home somewhere.
How do you handle this?
I’m new to blogging…how do you copy the button without html???
Can we still play if we don’t have a blog? I’m new to couponing, but I could send you pictures of my coupon system, which is no longer working for me since I’m saving more coupons…I need help so please let me know!
towerfamily (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm quickly outgrowing my expandable file folder. Any one know the best deal for a zipper binder & clear holders for couponing? =/
I LOVE your idea of show me your binder! I am a visual person so it’s REALLY helping me be more confident with couponing (advanced couponing for sure!). Your video was very well done! Thank you for getting the courage to try a video – you’ve certainly helped more than just myself and I want to say “Thank you!” for helping everyone.
My suggestion is to keep up this “contest” as a series. I don’t see many how to get ready for shopping tips out there. There are lots of tips on where to look for coupons, how to clip and save coupons – but not much out there for how to get ready for shopping. For instance the next “show me” or “show how” could be “I have the binder, now what?” I am overwhelmed/confused with how to get ready for the sales. I’ve subscribed to several blogs in Reader and I see all the posts about this weeks or upcoming weeks deals. How does everyone keep track of these? What do your “lists” look like? I know some use spreadsheets, some use envelopes, some use “The Grocery Game” or “Coupon Mom”, some use a notebook, etc. I would like to see how everyone generates prepares for shopping/creates their lists for the store/sales and matches their coupons. Come on ladies! Show me your system for getting ready for that shopping trip that will save you $$. Don’t be shy – we’ve all part of this big coupon “family” so try a video – lots of people like to see the step by step process.
Thanks for such a well done website and your contribution to helping others save – especially in this economy!
I love this idea, I get alot of questions about organizing coupons. Bittersweet Memories – great idea! I’m sure this is something we all do differently.
I did a review of the Couponizer which is what I’ve been using for a couple months now. The review basically shows my system though, love it!
I love my coupon organizer!! I hope you guys like it too. It works well.
Your binder sounds so great… I’d love to have one! My current coupon organization consists of a small coupon organizer I got from the store, and I paper clip coupons I need to use immediately to the front. Not exactly the greatest.. jeepcutie8 at msn dot com
Ok I am a 26 year veteran of couponing! I started when I was 20 and have used MANY MANY METHODS……….. I am currently using the CARRY IN MY PURSE method as a test and this little GOODIE velcros on to my shopping basket, I only put the BEST coupons and ones that I KNOW I am going to use in it and OFF I GO! I am giving away 5 of these babies so stop by and get entered too!
This is wonderful! Thank You soooo much & God Bless, together – we really can make a difference 🙂
thanks for all the great tips! i love reading your blog so keep up the good work and God bless!
What a fun idea! Thanks for the great incentive to finally post about my coupon binder! 🙂
For my coupons, I have a long narrow plastic box with a handle…looks like a tool box…inside I have divided it into categories. I do not take this into the store with me, however if I know what I am going to buy. I use a smaller organizer for that…it’s like a check file. If I’m in a store and don’t have any planned list, I take in my “tool box” and browse for great deals in case I have a coupon to apply.
Thank you for your inspiration! I just made my first video about my coupon binder!
How fun is this! Actually, I’ve been considering changing my binder, so I look forward to reading how others organize thier binder.
I love your blog. Thank you for inspiring me to start my own. =)
Yay, that was fun! I hope you’ll stop by and view my video! You inspired me to go for the binder method 🙂 Thanks!
Thanks, I’m new here but am just getting into coupons!
I just posted my link, it’s really neat to look at everyones ideas.
So much fun to see everyone’s ideas!!
Well I did it. It ain’t great, but it’s mine!
I’m not sure how I’ll carry this big binder and my newborn son along with me to the store, but I guess I’ll find a way! Hopefully this binder method will work better than my envelope method did.
Okay, I think I didn’t enter quite right. I linked to my blog in general. I did not post about what I use to organize my coupons because, quite frankly, I’m not very organized. I’m still looking for a system to help me get organized. I hope that counts!
Love your blog, this show and tell is a lot of fun. I got some great new ideas for organizing my coupons, Thanks!
Thanks for posting this contest!! Reviewing all the different ways people organize their coupons made me realize I needed to go back to my Binder. I got tired of being at a store and not having my coupons with me. NO MORE couponless shopping!! 😉
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