I love my readers. Really, I do! Thank you so much for all the positive feedback about my first attempt at vlogging.
Now, that I know my voice is not scary, I will definitely be posting more videos.
Several of you had questions about my binder. I love questions! Rather than email everyone individually, I figured I would further explain my binder with some Q&A.
Let me just preface this by saying that this method will not work for everyone. You are more than welcome to copy my technique if you feel it is a good fit! I encourage you to find the system that works in your life.
The appeal of the binder for me is the ability to quickly see and access all of my coupons. When I first started couponing last year, I had endless piles of coupons to flip through. I found that I spent more time hunting than actually putting them to good use.
Another popular method is filing by insert. Andrea explains that here. Silver Belle explains her envelope method here.
Q: Do you take the entire binder into the store?
A: Yes, but not always. I used to be terribly embarrassed by it. Not anymore! Dave Ramsey encourages people to “be weird” in order to “live like no one else”.
I usually pull my coupons at home, since I plan my transactions ahead of time. That way I am never holding up lines while coupon hunting. I do take it into Wal-Mart, just in case.
A few times I have literally given a coupon from my binder to a perfect stranger if I noticed something they were purchasing.
I actually have a separate method just for CVS. I will feature that in my next video!
Q: How do you handle expiration dates?
A: Great question. Some couponers file by expiration date. I choose to ignore the dates. Why? Well, I strive to keep my system as simple as possible. That is also why I use very general categories, and I do not file alphabetically. The less time spent filing, the better.
Coupons usually expire on the last day of the month. So, once a month, usually within the first few days, I sit down and pull all of the expired coupons. This takes just a few minutes of my time.
Q: Where can I get the rules for The Grocery Game?
A: The Grocery Game is actually a website with weekly lists of sales and coupon matches. I actually explained it in detail here. Visit The Grocery Game and input your zip code to see if it is available in your area.
Q: Can you give me a list of items needed to start a binder?
A: Absolutely! Of course, start with a binder. Any binder will do, it does not have to have fancy pockets and a zipper. I started with a regular white 3-ring. You may even have these items at home.
Other items I recommend:
- Page dividers with tabs
- A zippered pouch for scissors, etc.
- A small calculator
- Plastic page protectors
- A label maker, or a sharpie will do
- Lots and lots of coupons!
*Important note I learned the hard way: put your name, address, and phone number inside your coupon binder! Never, ever, forget all your hard work in the cart like I did.
I hope that this helps you somewhere along the way of your frugal journey. As always, keep those questions coming!
Thanks for the link!! I can’t wait to see your CVS method – is it crazy that this stuff gets me all excited??!!! I’ll be waiting with anticipation 🙂
A seperate method for CVS? I am so excited!
I think it’s great that you mentioned that the binder won’t work for everyone. I’ve met some couponers who really prefered box type filing system. Find what works for you! I went through several methods of organization befoe finding the binder.
Also, I’m glad I’m not the only one who gives coupons to strangers!
Can’t wait to see more vlogs!
Thanks for the link! I love any type of coupon system. It is the coupons that excite me, the system is just a means to carry them, right?
You can call me Anita, I am tired of Silver Belle.
Im so glad you posted this!!!
I showed my husband your video the other night and he suggestion i did the same thing!
So i went today and bought some stuff!!
The only thing i couldn’t find @ CVS was the card holders. But im going to try Staples tomorrow seeing as i have to go there anyway, if not i’ll hit up walmart Monday!! So far my binder is looking great!
I even bought the labeler @ CVS for $5.99 — its nothing fancy but it does the trick!!
Thanks so much for this idea!!!
Thanks for explaining!
Great posts about the binder system! I’m out of touch with couponing right now (we moved a while back and I haven’t refound my “groove”) but I use a binder system when I am couponing.
Rather than holding up lines, or pulling out coupons ahead of time, I just pull each coupon as I get the item from the shelf and put them all in a zippered pouch that is only for that purpose. Then I don’t take a chance on forgetting to move over the coupon. Plus, if you decide on a system like that, ALWAYS put the coupons in exactly the same place EVERY time. I once put half my coupons in my pocket for some reason – and I forgot to use those! I was so mad at myself!
Alyssa (which is one of my daughters’ middle name),
I ran right out and bought my binder and supplies on Friday. I put it all together, and today’s clipping task was so much easier. We have switched shopping day from Friday to Monday, so I get to use it today…I’m so excited!
I emialed a link to your “vlog” to several friends…they were all like, “Are you just showing us what you are going to do, or do you really think we’re going to do this, too?” Clearly, I’ve got some work to do on them! 😉
Thank you for the info..lookin’ forward to the CVS system,
I always sort out expired coupons as I file in new ones. I know that each time you “touch” coupons you are wasting time but I like to keep what I have fresh in my memory in case I see an unadvertised special or clearance item, I’ll hopefully be able to recall if I have a coupon for it.
When I make my list/pull out my coupons, I always keep my about to expire coupons in paper clip with my good coupons. That way I can check on prices and see if it is worth using an almost expired coupon before it goes bad.
Katie @ bargainhuntingwife.blogspot.com
Just wanted to say, I found your site by "surfing" the net and, it is one of the best I've found so far regarding couponing & saving money. I also like your system on your binder. I just wished I've found out about it three weeks back. I purchased one, along with a book, for over $25.00 and am not pleased with it at all. Takes to much time flipping through the coupons to see what I have. Live and learn my mom always said. Just wondering if you are a member of the Grocery Game? Does it work? My DH and I are over middle aged 🙂 so not much cooking goes on in our house anymore except when the kids & g/kids come home but, I still like to coupon. Thanks for listening, Ophs! reading my comments and, I will be checking back with you at a later date. P.S. One thing that really caught my eye was that your a Christian from the DFW area. We have a daughter in Wylie. Take care.
Great way to organize.
I started the binder method back in the late 90’s and boy has that method taken off and others using a version of it too.
Glad you are saving with coupons!!
Have a wonderful day!
formerly known at LWMSAVON
The Coupon Binder Method Creator
Great way to organize.
I started the binder method back in the late 90’s and boy has that method taken off and others using a version of it too.
Glad you are saving with coupons!!
Have a wonderful day!
formerly known at LWMSAVON
The Coupon Binder Method Creator
Great way to organize.
I started the binder method back in the late 90’s and boy has that method taken off and others using a version of it too.
Glad you are saving with coupons!!
Have a wonderful day!
formerly known at LWMSAVON
The Coupon Binder Method Creator
Great way to organize.
I started the binder method back in the late 90’s and boy has that method taken off and others using a version of it too.
Glad you are saving with coupons!!
Have a wonderful day!
formerly known at LWMSAVON
The Coupon Binder Method Creator