Several readers have asked about the scanners in CVS that spit out coupons upon scanning your ExtraCare card. It has been affectionately dubbed the "magic coupon machine" among CVSers. Not every CVS has one, but just in case you are wondering what … [Read more...]
Deal Alert: Even MORE Super Cheap School Supplies!

Looks like Office Depot, Target, Office Max, and Big Lots are now following Staples lead.Check out these back-2-school bargains!Office Max:Schoolio Von Hoolio Crayons, 24-ct @ $0.01, limit 3Schoolio Von Hoolio 12" ruler @ $0.01, limit 3Sharpie Accent … [Read more...]
The CVS $5 Challenge: July 27-Aug 2

Welcome back to The CVS $5 Challenge! Thank you to all those who participated last week. I have received many thankful emails from CVS newbies!If you are a first time visitor, here's the lowdown:Join me on Sundays as I host The $5.00 CVS … [Read more...]
Tomorrow’s Coupon Preview: July 27th

Welcome, new readers! If you are just getting acquainted, every Saturday I post a preview of the coupons you can expect to see in the Sunday paper.If you like what you see, you can pick up some extra papers or bug your neighbors for their unused … [Read more...]
My Coupon Binder Explained

I love my readers. Really, I do! Thank you so much for all the positive feedback about my first attempt at vlogging. Now, that I know my voice is not scary, I will definitely be posting more videos. Several of you had questions about my binder. … [Read more...]