It is marked on my calendar in bold letters. A special date afternoon with my hubby, just the 2 of us. Well actually, us and several hundred other men and women, and Dave Ramsey.
Does that sound like the perfect date, or what? No? {blush} Well, I could not be more thrilled. I may have mentioned once or twice what a big fan I am of Dave Ramsey.
Hubby and I regularly watch his show on Fox Business before bed. Just the other night, we saw a commercial for The Total Money Makeover Live! event coming to Dallas, among other cities. We immediately jumped on the laptop and bought tickets.
This might not sound like the most frugal decision, but we know it will be well worth it. The event is March 28th, and tickets are $40 a piece. At that point, I will be very pregnant… so hubby actually sprung for VIP seating so I won’t have to stand in line. Isn’t he sweet?
Since it will probably be our last official date for a very long time, it will be a special day. This baby better not show up early!
So what is so special about Dave? I find him hilariously entertaining, for one. We have been following Dave’s Baby Steps plan for over a year now, and have seen a huge impact on our financial future.
Although we are still on “Baby Step 2”, we have managed to pay off all of our credit card debt, and most recently, both of our cars by following the Dave plan. We are just now starting to tackle the last of our debt…the dreaded student loans. So this is perfect timing to keep us motivated and on track to be debt free.
From Dave’s website:
Dave says, “If you really want to get out of debt, you’ve gotta get MAD. You’ve gotta get wired up and fired up. You’ve gotta sell so much stuff, the kids think they’re next.” We see it every single event. People come to the event depressed and beaten down by debt, but they leave with hope and determination to eliminate it.
I can hardly wait to attend! Five whole hours talking about finances… now that is my kinda date.
One funny thing I just have to mention. When you do go to purchase tickets through Dave’s website, you cannot pay with a credit card! They only accept a debit card or bank draft. I love it!
If by some small chance you will be at this event, please let me know. I would love to meet you!
Alyssa! That’s AWESOME! I sooooooo wish he would come to our neck of the woods!!! Enjoy it – I’m sure it will be a wonderful date with your hubby!!!! Blessings to you!!!
Oh, have fun! I just posted a couple of days ago about it on my blog–hubby bought me tickets to the San Antonio event for Christmas. I need a push to get “gazelle” and I am hoping this is it!
Tara aka Mama Koala
That’s going to be very exciting. I would love to see him in person. I’m sure it’s a huge motivator! They’re offering FPU at our church and DH and I are going to take it again – we really need to get on track.
Hubby and I would also consider something like that a fantastic once in a lifetime date opportunity!!
We have both read the book. We are on baby step 3 pushing for the 6 months of savings since my husband is self employeed and has strictly commissioned based pay.
Keep up the GREAT work! You Can Do it! You are so close. Keep pushing hard and before you know it you’ll be there! The plan really does work!!
ENJOY the time!!! Enjoy, Enjoy….!
You know what is totally awesome (I mean, besides your entire blog!)? That your husband is on board also. DH and I have struggled for so long and I initiated yet another frank conversation about our finances last night. I am a frugal fanny, bargain-hunting saver. He is not. This makes me crazy and I now truly understand why money problems are the #1 cause of divorce!! We are working on it, but I’m not sure if we will ever be on the same page. Anyone else feel like they are alone in their quest to be debt free?
We went to see Dave in Atlanta last fall. It was great! We have been following Dave’s plan for almost three years now. I think going to see him live helped keep us on track and help with our intensity. You will definately enjoy it.
Yea! Thank you for posting this. I am a Dave Ramsey FANATIC. I have been wanting to see him for several years now. I just called hubby, and he said yes, so I ordered tickets. It is our post-birth-of-third-child-date, so we got the VIP tickets. I cannot WAIT for March 28!
We just signed up to do the 13 week course he offers. Our church is sponsoring it and I am looking forward to getting started. Love your blog, keep up the good work and blessings on your pregnancy. sherry
That is so cool! I would love to see him live. I just started Financial Peace University at church last night. He has great ideas.
I am hoping we will be going also (to the Dallas – Mar 28th one) as I just emailed hubby about it!
Has anyone volunteered before? I’m considering that as a further effort to keep costs low. 🙂
Oh, I am so jealous- I bet you are going to get so much from that experience and I can't wait to hear all about it. We are exactly in the same spot with our debt- we paid off those cars & credit cards and now we are going to tackle that student loan debt. I can't wait to hear what you think of it and I am so glad your hubby sprung for that VIP seating 🙂
Dave’s great – DH and I are doing the Financial Peace University through our church right now.
One not of warning from one preggie to another. The day seminars do not let you leave and reenter during the program. You can come back in after the official break. I personally can’t handle even 2 hours without bathroom access with a baby jumping up and down at unpredictable times.
Which is why we ended up doing the 13-week, 2 hours each course.
I’ve heard all sorts of good things about those live shows. I’ve read his books, listened to his radio program, and adhered to many of his principles. Great guy! Have fun with that.
PS Love the blog. I found you via BC!
If you get a minute, come visit me-; my wife and I started our personal finance blog about 6 months ago. It’s always nice to find a fellow pf blogger! 🙂
well if your husband changes his mind ill go on a date with you to see him! lol