I had not been out of the house in almost 2 weeks, and I was going a little stir crazy. We were in desperate need of milk, so I headed to Ardmore to hit Wal-Mart and Staples.
Staples Trip
I have been searching for reasonably priced cubbies for our entryway and for next to my desk. Right off the bat, I spy the clearance rack (although, I don’t know how… it was crammed in the corner behind a big display). Cha-ching! Copy paper is reduced to $4.60. I usually spend more than 5 bucks for a ream.
I have an unusual addiction to legal pads. It must be that beautiful yellow color. I don’t know where it come from, but I have the disease, and I snagged a pack of 12 (holla!).
Now on to the real reason for my trip… cubbies! I actually did not think they would have any I could afford, but there they were! Pretty little 6-cube cubbies… for $40! I bought two. I also grabbed a double-pack of trays and a business card holder (more on the need for this in a later post!).
Total OOP: $99.25, not bad for two pieces of furniture and some paper. Oh, and those wonderful reams of plain white copy paper turned out to be $3.50 ea. I get a little giddy when my items ring up less than I thought they would be. *blush*
I got my milk free from WIC, along with cheese, juice, and eggs. I didn’t want to brave the cereal aisle tonight, so I chose the checks that did not have cereal. And, did you know that if you go on a Friday night, you will see everyone you know?! I ran into three friends I had not seen in awhile. Back to the post.
If you read my post about not eating out, you know I am trying to keep our grocery bill to $150 this month. I stayed way under on this trip, coming out with Ritz crackers (the girls love these things), bananas (staple), yogurt (staple), 2 bags of whole wheat flour (for bread, more on that later), yeast (ditto), and gum.
In another effort to keep the grocery bill down, I purchased 2 loaf pans (I already have 2) and 3 8×8 cake pans. I make and freeze bread, and with 4 loaf pans, this process will go much more quickly. I use the 8×8 pans to store half of the casseroles/pasta bakes/etc that I make in bulk. We eat half of a 9×13 pan, and the other half is stored in the 8×8 pan, covered, and frozen. It is a perfect solution for our family, and it helps to be able to pull something out of the freezer the night before, pop it in the oven (or microwave), and have supper ready.
Check out future posts to see the results of the Hubz-assembled cubbies, photos of my storage containers (I swear, Org Junkie is a girl after my own heart!), homemade bread w/ recipe, and the curtain I made for the back door. You don’t want to miss out!
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