It does not seem like it has been five years since I gave birth to my sweet Abby Grace. FIVE years!
She weighed 7 lbs, 14 oz (or as my DH put it to one person: 14 lbs, 7 oz!), and was 21″ long. She had beautiful blue eyes and a smidge of dark hair.
I was in labor with her for 22 hours, and she was born at 5:45 am, on Friday, May 14, 2004. Shane, mother, my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law were all right there as she was born. My daddy, father-in-law, brother, and two nieces were on the other side of the curtain. A student nurse-midwife (whom we adored) delivered my sweet girl. It was an amazing, if long, experience.
Now, five years later, she is a tall, skinny little thing with curly blonde hair that won’t grow past her chin. She is a smartie-pants, and writes her letters well. Abby Grace has taught herself several letters. She enjoys coupon-shopping with her Momma, helping bake and cook, sorting laundry, and reading books.
Abby Grace is a joy, and I am so glad to be her Momma.
I just cannot believe she is 5.
Happy birthday Abby Grace! You are such a beautiful princess. Thank you for letting me be your Aunt Rachel! I love you!
Rachel’s last blog post..Gotta read this!
So sweet! My baby turned 3 on May 11th. It goes so fast. Don’t you love May birthdays? I think it’s the best month 🙂
Nicki at Domestic Cents’s last blog post..A Big, Frugal Birthday Party