It was one year ago, today, that my sweet #3 graced us with her presence in this world.
Meleah Faye Estelle was born at 8:00 am on Wednesday, September 3, 2008. You can read her birth story here (please keep in mind, that it was one of my first posts… lol). Yes, I really had her naturally… without any medication. And, no, it did not hurt. I only had a few painful contractions, and they came about 20 minutes BEFORE she was born.
Children are a priceless treasure. We are so blessed by our three girls.
Meleah is a special girl… we named her after my grandmothers, who have lived with Jesus for several years now. I may be sentimental, but I like to think that my Gigi and Mamaw “met” Meleah before we did.
Mildred Faye is my maternal grandmother, Gigi, who went by her middle name: Faye.
Estelle comes from my paternal grandmother, Mamaw, whose full name was Frankie Juanita Estelle.
Meleah is a name we fell in love with, and she shares the name with a girl who went to church camp with us last summer.
Happy Birthday Sweet Meleah! Aunt Rachel & Uncle Randy love you!
Love those cheekies!! Happy birthday precious one!!!!
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They grow up so fast! ;D
My baby will be 2 on October 15th 🙁 I love the name Meleah 🙂
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