My adorable girls, ages 5 and 3.5, have recently become obsessed with entranced by the Superman movies. As in, the ones starring Christoper Reeves.
Yes, my girls love the “Man of Steel.” Why, you ask? Well, here are my girls’ top ten faves from Superman I and II (cause we watched ’em both yesterday).
10. The scene where Clark Kent races the train. Fab.
9. The action. My children have a thing for fight scenes, things blowing up, and people running and screaming. They really like guns. {Oh yeah, this is not damaging in any way, I’m sure}
8. They like the “S” emblem on his suit. Reminds them of their Daddy {cause he has a Superman shirt…}
7. The theme music is awesome. And, it is easily imitated. {Trust me on this… it’s all I’ve heard tonight}
6. The girls sat quietly throughout the entire movie. {Oh, wait. That might be in MY top ten}
5. Um, he can fly. ‘Nuf said
4. The “secret” identity thing is a hoot to them. My oldest continually pointed out those glasses were an ineffective way to hide who he really was. Hmmm…
3. They love it when Lois Lane falls off of buildings and gets into trouble. They find it hilarious.
2. Superman is super-strong. {Hence the name} Did I mention he can fly?
And the #1 reason? That cape has got to be the coolest thing EVAH! {It apparently makes children think they can fly}
There you have it. And, if any of you need us, we will be watching Superman III this evening. And, for more Top 10 Tuesday posts, head on over to Oh Amanda!
Pictures from The Superman Homepage
My favorite would be Christopher Reeve…
.-= Janna´s last blog ..An Amazing Disney Video =-.
FUN! My 3YO loves him some Superman! If he sees me reading this, we’ll be visiting your post several times a day! 🙂
.-= Will Blog for Shoes´s last blog ..Randomy McRandomson =-.
Love this list – how fun! I had a huge crush on Christopher Reeve back in the day.
.-= Heather @ Not a DIY Life´s last blog ..Top Ten Things About My Daughter =-.
Love this list! How cute that the S reminds them of Daddy! 🙂
.-= Wendy´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday – Things I’ll Do Someday =-.
would love to have one of those capes myself maybe it can help me get it all done
That’s too funny that they like the old ones like that … fun!
I never got into Superman until Smallville came out. I love Superman now. 🙂 Thanks for the fun post. (Just visiting from Top Ten Tuesday.) Blessings!