Are your kiddos as big of fans of yogurt as mine are? Oh my goodness, my girls can go through the yogurt, so I was really excited to try out this Yoplait Kid’s Yogurt with 25% less sugar and no artificial sweeteners or flavors. I sampled the yogurt myself, and it was really tasty!
As I expected, my girls ate it up… and then loved playing with the twisty-twirly thingie that comes with the gift pack! Both of my older girls were fascinated with the color-changing spoon… my little M just wanted more yogurt. đ I really liked the insulated bag, and it has already come in handy more than once!
Thanks to My Blog Spark, I have one Yoplait Kid’s Yogurt “Less Sugar, More Funâ Gift Pack to give away to one of my readers! As you can see in the picture, you will receive:
:: a FREE coupon for any of the Yoplait Kids Yogurt products
:: a travel cooler
:: a color-changing spoon (changes in warm water)
:: a reusable placemat
:: a twisty-tangle puzzle thingie
Every reader has three methods available to enter this contest. Choose one each of any combination of method one, two, or three, for up to a total of 3 entries!!!
Methods of entry:
1. Leave a comment. Tell me how you make snack time fun for your kids. (initial entry)
Bonus Entries (leave a separate comment for each):
2. Subscribe to my feed via RSS or email. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry! Leave a separate comment letting me know you have done so. If youâre already a subscriber, simply leave a separate comment letting me know youâre already subscribed (and thank you!).
3. Share this giveaway on Twitter or Facebook. Make sure you come back and leave a comment after doing so!
(1) Yoplait Kid’s Pack, as described above.
This contest will close on Tuesday, December 8th, at 11pm CST. The winner will be selected by and contacted via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond, or I will choose a new winner!
Good luck, and thank you for entering!
*Full Disclosure â I was given my very own âsnack packâ to try and review. All information and materials were provided by Yoplait through My Blog Spark. The words and statements in this post are MINE, all mine, and I was in no way paid or compensated for my opinion, mâkay?!*
Well, to answer your initial entry question… I don’t make it fun. đ I need to get better at this. Thanks for the reminder!
.-= Alyssa @ Keeping the Kingdom First´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Baby Love =-.
I am a loyal subscriber!!
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.-= Alyssa @ Keeping the Kingdom First´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Baby Love =-.
Wow, I am so honored to be the 2nd person to post and one of my favorite bloggers too! Love your blog and Alyssa’s!
Snack time is sometimes fun around here, especially if I had a great shopping/snagging bargains week. Sometimes it’s one of those hurry-up-and-get-through-it deals.
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My kids LOVE yogurt.
I try to limit unhealthy snack with the kids. Because of this they are excited when I bring something home something I normal don’t buy—like Oreos. This puts a smile on their face every time.
.-= Judy´s last blog ..The Homemakers Haven–Week 2 =-.
P & j are always a hit especially when the kids get in on the action of making them and cutting them with cookie cutters. lots of fun.
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We make snack time fun by sitting together even if it would be a great opportunity to get stuff done.
We love yogurt!
I make a “cereal mix” with freeze-dried fruit (nothing else added, just fruit like apples, bananas, strawberries, etc) and Cheerios & Kashi. It travels well, is fun to eat, fun to make, and basically healthy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Really I dont think about fun, we just are very busy, I need to make it more fun:)
I am an email subscriber now!:)
We LOVE yogurt! I love that these yogurts have less sugar. The last time we bought some of these Yoplaits, we used the plain yogurt to make some special treats that were featured in the Sesame Street cookbook. They turned out yummy!
.-= Emilie´s last blog ..The Pioneer News Highlights The Shepherd’s Shelter Second In A Series : Mrs Penny Pincher =-.
Sent a tweet for another entry!
We make snacktime fun by sometimes having teatime. We have tea in cups & saucers out of a teapot & some sort of cookies or scones & read poetry or listen to classical music or look at & discuss some classic work of art.
I make snack time fun by adding food coloring to small amounts of yogurt so the kids can paint their apples.
I am an email subscriber.
My daughter has a favorite sing a long movie so we watch it while she has her snack.
We make it fun and have snack and sometimes meals in different places besides just the kitchen table and they help make and decide on what will be eaten
We love to make yogurt and fruit smoothies!
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.-= Emilie´s last blog ..Coupon Preview 12/6 : Mrs Penny Pincher =-.
i try to make snack time fun with more treat type foods, and fun little finger bite foods!
My kids think it is fun if they get to put stuff on their snack themselves. Ex: Celery sticks, carrot sticks, peanut butter, ranch dressing
They want to be able to pick what they want and dip it in their choice of dip. They love it!
When we have yogurt we also let them add chunks of fruit (banana, grapes, ) or dip with cereal bars , or just add cereal flakes, and as a special treat we may add small chocolate kisses every now and again!
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I use cookie cutters to make fun shapes with food! Thanks for the chance.