This Christmas, Dave Ramsey wants to inspire us to “GIVE like no one else”. Of course, I am a big fan of this message.
Each day leading up to Christmas, Dave has an incredible giveaway for his fans. With amazing prizes like cash, resources, and oh… CASH, you can enter every day!
If you are new to reading my blog, you may not know that I LOVE Dave Ramsey. His simple, no-nonsense philosophies about money have truly change my family’s financial destiny. Thanks to his “plan”, we now live a life free of credit card debt and so much more.
I would also encourage you to check out the big sale he has in his online store this month. ALL of his books, CD’s, DVD’s and software are on sale for only $10 each.
His best selling book, The Total Money Makeover, makes a great gift for college grads or newlyweds. Shipping is free on orders of $65 or more.
In a world where “extreme makeovers” are all the rage, it is so inspiring to read about others who have made over their finances.
Full disclosure: I am not being paid in any way shape or form to endorse Dave Ramsey. I whole-heartedly enjoy his teaching and sense of humor. Of course, if someone from Dave’s team, were to say, contact me, and want to…oh… sponsor me for an upcoming blogging conference… who would I be to say no? 😉
Good for you for finding a method to get out of debt and feel financially in control! I have to say though, in my circle of friends it would be considered extremely offensive to give Dave Ramsey’s book as a wedding present. Why? Because it implies that the recipient can’t handle their money and needs guidance. Contrary to what Dave Ramsey says over and over again, there are plenty of folks who have a good handle on their finances, and are actually much more financially sophisticated than he is. Keep in mind that he has a narrow target market, and for those benefit from his advice – great! But his advice is only beneficial to some, certainly far from all.
I think it’s a great gift idea! I have done his Freedom class and love it. I think anyone you know and knows how you handle your money would be happy to receive a gift to help or even inspire them to explore more options in their finances. He does have a limited market, Christian (not by his choice though). But, as a Christian I think it’s the market for giving gifts that inspire and uplift. Everyone could use help in learning more about their money! I love your blog and enjoy your uplifting message! During these hard times, you and other ladies have help me regain my budget for groceries and get great deals on other stuff. Thanks!
Personally, I see no reason why Dave’s books would be viewed that way unless you are so full of yourself and your financial knowledge that you think you are above them. Considering that more and more Americans are facing foreclosure and bankruptcy daily, and continually using credit cards for purchases (without paying them off)–I would have to strongly disagree that “he has a narrow market.”
.-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Freezer Cooking =-.
I should have also mentioned that Dave offers a lot of advice and tips/tricks for everyone, no matter where they are in their financial journey. Dave rocks–and thanks, Alyssa for the heads up!
.-= Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free´s last blog ..Freezer Cooking =-.
I feel that Dave’s books can only enhance one’s knowledge of finances. If someone is offended by your gift, then, as Phoebe mentioned, they must be extremely full of themselves (and also, lying to themselves!).
Dave’s books offer great tips and tricks to those in ALL areas of financial knowledge… from the novice to the “experts”. Dave offers a godly perspective on handling one’s money and finances. And, that is that!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..FREE Return Address Labels from Vistaprint! =-.
We got tons of books and advice when we first got married 9 1/2 years ago and I WISH that this book would’ve have been one of the ones we received!
It would have saved us lots of financial heartache. But thankfully we were introduced to Dave’s teachings later in marriage and can now share the advice we wished we would have gotten at the beginning with others! 🙂
.-= Rachel @ Surviving The Stores´s last blog ..Worth-It Wednesday: $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook! =-.
Being offended at a gift because you are “more financially sophisticated” than someone else? Hmmm… sounds haughty, condescending, and a touch self absorbed.
I have gotten plenty of gifts that I would not have chosen for myself, but I thing having an attitude of gratefulness to the giver for their thoughtfulness in choosing and giving a gift is a much more gracious response than finding it “extremely offensive”.
In fact, I would say that anyone who is “extremely offended” by a well intentioned gift may have some may have issues with thinking of themselves more highly than they ought.
.-= Smockity Frocks´s last blog ..Handmade Christmas Gifts =-.
I agree with Amy- Dave’s books are for everyone. Even though we are financially secure I reread some of Dave’s books each year to remind me of why we are choosing to live differently from the world.
Everywhere you go you are bombarded with the message to spend now and save later… Dave is telling you something different, save money, only buy what you can afford, and give money away. It is a refreshing message in this day and age.
.-= The Happy Housewife´s last blog ..Shop at Home $100 Gift Card Giveaway =-.
$10?! That’s great. I’ll have to save your email so I can go back and check out the offerings. I’ve heard that his books and information are extremely good. Thanks for posting this.
BTW: Love your disclosure statement. 🙂
.-= Petula´s last blog ..3 out of 4 need naps =-.
You’re right, a book like this is a perfect gift especially with everything that is going on now financially! Thanks for the head’s up.
I can’t imagine being offended at receiving this book for a wedding gift. I wish someone had given us this book because we might not have made some dumb financial decisions in our young married life. I agree with the other commentors, that to be offended at such a gift would be pretty arrogant.
And I totally disagree that Dave has a narrow audience. I know of at least one international corporation that requires it’s employees to attend Financial Peace classes. I have talked with people from differing backgrounds who have heard of Dave Ramsey and who want to get out of debt. Don’t we all want financial freedom anyway? 🙂
Oh, and I guess I love his “un-sophisticated” way of dealing with the nuts and bolts of finances too.
Thanks Alyssa for sharing this great info!
Quite an interesting little debate here! Lol I agree with the majority though – I wish someone had given us his book many years ago, and perhaps the economy would not have hit us so hard this past year! I think it’s a great gift idea for anyone we know! Thanks for sharing!
.-= Mandy Roberson´s last blog ..Finer Things Friday… A new spin on an old favorite! =-.
I think you may need to give yourselves a break, those who regret money mistakes. There’s quite a bit we need to learn by experience, and those experiences make us receptive to good advice and counsel. Many of us who get advice too young, too soon, at the wrong time ignore it. That’s okay; that’s human!
Thank you for this post. I love Dave Ramsey. My husband and I started following him when we got married five years and at 28 years old I can proudly say that we are completely debt free! I think Dave offers sound advice to his listeners from a Christian perspective, which I love! I am truly thankful for his ministry. I think if more people would begin some type of financial counseling (Dave Ramsey, etc.) it would have a profound impact on their current financial situations/future, given the present economy.