I am truly excited for what the year 2010 holds for my family and my blog. I had NO idea what 2009 held in store for me; I could not have dreamed how amazing it would be! 2010 is so full of possibilities and opportunities! I really cannot wait to see what God has in store for me this year.
I know for a successful year, I need to learn to balance all of this “stuff”. It can be quite overwhelming at times, as many of you can relate.
- Find a healthy balance between mother/wife/homeschooler/Christ follower/blogger/pastor’s wife. I am each of these, but right now they don’t mesh well together. I need to find the right way to make them mesh.
- Be more authentic and relevant by blogging with intention and purpose. I want to share more of my life: the good and the bad.
- Must. Pay. Down. Debt. Period.
- Get the ball rolling for possible future adoption.
- Be MUCH better at responding to comments and emails. I am so sorry that I have neglected this very important aspect, and I promise to do better in the future.
- Ministry Monday is on the verge of exploding. I need to make that happen!
- Vlogging. I am going to try that (soon)!
- Share more of my faith, both struggles and triumphs.
- God has blessed me in so many ways this year! I need to make sure my relationship with Him is strong and growing. It is too easy to let that fall to the wayside and our relationship (on my end, not His) grow stagnant.
I am coming to see that numbers and traffic, while key, are nowhere near as important as relevant writing and and a solid readership. I do want my blog to grow, but I want it to grow because of my writing. It is, after all, my blog.
So, my main focus this year will be on authentic writing and relevant material. With these two aspects, I believe everything else will fall into place… the place where God wants it to be.
I do want to thank my dear, sweet readers. I have received several kind and thoughtful emails in the last few weeks. I do consider you all friends, even if I do not know you personally (Gail!). I want you all to know how much I appreciate you and your support of me and my site.
Please know that I do remember my readers in prayer (whether I know your name or not). I pray that you and your families have a wonderful and blessed 2010.
To share your own goals, or to read others’, check out SavvyBlogging.net.
Photo credit: Duncan
Hi Amy-
I was just reading your 2010 goals and found that we have soooo much in common. I am a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, beginning homeschooling and trying to make it all mesh too.
I would love to stay connecting to talk about blogging, goals, and living a Christian life that involves uplifting fabulous women!!
Great goals. It is tough to find the proper balance and I think it is something that we all struggle with isn’t it?
And you are right; authentic with ups and downs is the way to go. I think it helps encourage others to hear about struggles and how with His help we can overcome!
.-= Jenn @ Beautiful Calling´s last blog ..Amazing Marbled Coffee Cake =-.
Your goals ring familiarity with my own! Last year was a year of many changes for my family, many blessings in disguise, and I determined to make 2010 my best year ever!
My husband is a preacher also, and we work with our youth-that is one area that I am aiming to do much more with, helping our youth be the best they can be!
I mapped out a plan and love the idea of actually reaching my goals! It seems that balance is an area many of us feel the need to work on—my best wishes to you on your 2010 journey, and maybe we shall meet again along the blogging trail. 🙂