#Blissdom Update

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So, y’all know I’m heading to Nashville in ONE WEEK! {Squeeeee!!!!}. This is a trip of MANY firsts for me.

–> My very first blogging conference. I cannot wait to meet everyone!  I read some fantastic blogs written by amazing women, and I cannot wait to meet in real life.

–> My very first flight. I have never flown {side note: never say, “never.” God has a sense of humor and has taken every. single. “never” I have said and plopped it right in my lap. This is a post for another day, y’all.}, and NEVER wanted too. Please pray for my dear friend Alyssa {who had to book my flight for me cause I’m clueless}, who will be next to me with her sweet baby. I’m pretty sure she is nervous about flying with me 😀

–> This is my first real trip away from my girls AND my husband. Shane and I have gone to conferences without the girls before, but I’ve not been away from all of them before. I’m having some terrible mommy guilt.

What I am super-excited about:

–> Flying for the first time.

–> Hanging with my roomies: Alyssa & Colin, Stephanie, and Rachel. I lurves those girls!

–> Meeting so many amazing writers and people I have connected with on Twitter. There are a few ladies I really admire, and I cannot wait to meet them.

–> Harry Connick, Jr., is coming to serenade me. {faints} #dreamcometrue

–> Networking and advertising myself and my blog. I. Cannot. Wait.

–> The fantastic SHOES. A conference with over 500 women in attendance equals TONS of beautiful footwear. I will be drooling {but not on anyone’s shoes.}

Wanna know what I’m wearing? So do I. I haven’t packed yet. Or planned. {Oops!} I do know I will be bringing my fan-tab-u-lous red heels. 😀 #imhawtlikethat.


But, the red heels will be making an appearance or two. Or three.


  1. says

    Have fun at Blissdom! So wish I could go. I would have never guessed this was your first conference… your blog makes me think you have been doing this forever! 🙂

  2. Danise says

    Harry Connick Jr. !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! He wasn’t at my conference in Hawaii 2 weeks ago – I think I need to talk to the programming director!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. says

    Just focus on looking forward to when you return from your trip and you can share some stories with your kids about being away and they can show you what they did while you were gone. Try to think of the independence you are teaching to them, plus they will see you modeling for them what they might get to do when they get old enough to be moms themselves. It’s a totally teachable moment, don’t let the mommy guilt become a funsucker!

  4. Jenny R. says

    Well look us up while you’re here! I know you’ll be crazy busy, but if you get hungry, we’ll buy ya dinner…yeehaw!

    • says

      Hey Jenny! I would love to get together with you guys! I just don’t know if I will be able to get away… 🙁 Everything is so chaotic right now. I hate being so close to you and not seeing you all. I don’t fly out until 2 on Sunday… so I don’t know what might be going on then???

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