Friday Fail: Peanut Butter and Milk

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So, at my house, I do not give my girls peanut butter until they are at least 2 years old {I have allergy phobias, so I am over-cautious}. A & R eat peanut butter all. the. time. They love it.

Little M is not old enough for it yet, but she thinks she should get to eat everything her big sisters do.

I was not thrilled to find her smack-dab in the middle of A’s leftover peanut butter and jelly. I wiped her up as best as I could, and worried that she was going to have some sort of allergic reaction {I should have been worried that peanut butter would get stuck in her throat and she would choke on it}.

Shane got her bottle ready and went to rock her to sleep.

2 minutes later, he was telling me that she projectile-vomited, “in the wrong spot.”

“In the wrong spot,” ended up being all over the clean laundry piled on her dresser. It had been there since Monday for a few days.

The moral of the story? Put your clean laundry away as soon as it is finished. Otherwise, it is fair game to possible messes.

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  1. says

    This happened to me last week! We were at the laundromat and I had my 11-month old in a sling and I leaned over to put something I had just folded onto a pile and she threw up one me, the sling and the clean clothes! Glad to hear I am not alone 🙂

    ps-found you through Friday Fails!

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